Chapter 4

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The ewe ran far away from the naughty club. She wheezed along the grimy pavement, even though she had only walked two steps. She wiped her greasy brow with a soiled rag she found in the bin, not realising that the rag was actually Edmond's frail body.

She had to get to Danny's house; she wondered what he was planning. A proposal? Sex? Netflix and Chill? A beating up Pedro marathon? Whatever it was, she couldn't wait.

The obese ball of wool rapped her knuckles on the mahogany door, waiting for the doggo to reveal himself. She heard a thump of footsteps, and then a loud BANG as a body was falling down the stairs. The door eventually creaked open, with a crippled Danny grovelling on the floor.

"Right this way, m'lady!" He said, volunteering himself as a rug for Suzy to walk across. She happily did, giggling, and twirling her thin wisps of hair between her fingers. Danny smiled as his vertebrae cracked underneath her thicc weight, knowing he was helping his fair maiden.

He hoisted himself up with a quick backflip and double axel, and it was only then that Suzy noticed his wounds. Literally, he was hanging on by threads, like Pedro's will to live. Suzy put her hand on his chest, smearing the blood around accidentally.

"Will you be okay, Daniel?" she cooed into his armpit.
"''Tis but a cut," he remarked, quoting his favourite Shakespearean character, 'Mercutio' from the hit film, 'Gnomeo and Juliet'.

Suzy leant forward and nibbled his ear. "Are you sure you don't want some treatment... from your little nurse?"

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