Chapter 6

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"Danny? You in here, boy?" Said Daddy Dog, his spherical figure blocking the light from the dank, dimly lit corridor.

Danny hesitated. "Y-yes!"

A vein pulsated on Daddy Dog's 10 inch forehead. "DON'T HESITATE WHEN TALKING TO ME, BOY!" He boomed, the walls shaking like Danny. He punched the wall, breaking a thicc hole, and accidentally hit the light switch.

The room was drenched in light, and Suzy was drenched in sweat as Danny tried to hide her from his Dad's view.

"What's that you got there, Danny?

Danny remembered not to hesitate. "Suzy Sheep, Daddy!" He said proudly. Daddy Dog's face turned a deep aubergine colour, and froth spewed out of his mouth, hitting everywhere in a 3 mile radius.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT!" He bellowed, throwing himself onto the children and punching viscously. Suzy screamed in pain, her leg snapping in half. She protectively put her hands over her stomach, protecting the child.

"GET OFF MY QUEEN!" Danny yelled, biting his father on the arm, drawing blood. Daddy Dog retracted, seething.

"One thing I learned after being a sailor for so many years..." he growled, a low murmur, laced with venom. "... was not to put up with saLTY SEA DOGS LIKE YOU!"

He drew back his fist, and held it high up above his head.

"Suzy... you need to go." Danny whispered, choking back the tears.
"I can't leave you, my love!" She yelped, clutching his hand in hers.
"IF YOU LOVE ME SUZY, YOU NEED TO GO!" The mutt screamed, preparing himself for the fatal blow.

Tears streamed down the cotton ball's cheeks. She knew she had to leave. She could do nothing.

She slipped out from underneath the covers, after giving Danny a sloppy kiss. Silently,  she crept past the huge dog towering over the quivering frame of Danny.

She shut the door, and fell to the floor in sadness. She sobbed loudly, choking back the bile rising in her throat. She put her face in her hands, as she heard a scream and a loud thump. Danny...

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