Chapter 4

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Harry’s POV

I wake up for the third time and roll over to grab my phone. It’s 3:30 in the fucking morning and I have to get up in two hours. I can’t get back to sleep so I go through my contacts and find somebody to talk to, to pass the time.I’m going through the list when my eye catches the name ‘Louis’. Should I text him? Well, I have nothing better to do. I click on his contact and start typing.

To: Louis

From: Harry

Hey. What’s up?

After staring at the screen for five minutes with no reply, I get up and walk across the hall. Suddenly I hear murmurs, whispers, and giggles. I can tell two girls are in the kitchen and I hide behind the wall so they don’t know I’m here.

“Hey, just be grateful I’m still here.” Is that Perrie? I move my head to get a better look but still out of sight. Perrie and Addison are sitting at the kitchen table playing with each others’ hair and giggling.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Addison says. Before I can comprehend what’s happening Addison and Perrie are kissing and I’m in front of them.

“What the hell is this?” I ask in a frantic voice.

Both of them immediately pull from the kiss and look at me with shocked expressions. Addison stands up and reaches for my hand but I shoo it away.

“Harry! I- it’s really not as bad as you think!” She tries to quickly explain herself, but I don’t feel like listening right now.

“How long has this been going on? I mean, if you’re gonna cheat on me, why not with a hot guy? Why Perrie, out of all people?”

“Excuse me?” They both say in sync.

“You know, I let you live with me, I let you eat my food, I gave you attention, gifts, and what do I get? Two whores making out in my kitchen.” Perrie is standing now.

“Harry? I’m sorry, I just- it just happened ok? It won’t happen again, I promise.” Addison says, worried that I’ll leave her.

“Oh, is that so? You know, that’s not what you were saying a good twenty minutes ago. I thought you told me he was a stupid bastard and you didn’t care about him? What, now you’re gonna try and fool me again?” Perrie spoke up.

This is so stupid, I don’t have time for this. I just wanted some water, not my two friends swallowing each other. I should be really upset, Addison and I have been together for seven months now, but I’m not. It’s actually bothering me more than the fact that she cheated on me. I still don’t like that she cheated on me. I mean, how could you? I’m amazing. It’s not that I don’t like Addison, because I love her very much, I just was never fully happy with her. There was always something missing and I could never figure out what it was.

“Addison, we’re done, ok? Just pack up and get out of my house. And Perrie, I’m telling Zayn.” Addison starts to tear up, but furiously swipes at her eyes so it won’t look like she’s crying. Perrie just stands there in complete shock.

“What? Harry no! Please don’t tell Zayn, I love him! I don’t want to ruin our relationship, please just-”

“I’m telling him. I’m dumping you and I’m telling both of you to get the hell out of here. Leave!”

“Harry, no! You can’t just let one mistake ruin our relationship.” Addison tries to reason with me.

I take a big sigh and put my head in my hands. “Out.” I say as I point to the exit. They both stand shocked and slowly make their way out.

“2 weeks.” Addison says.


“You asked how long I was with Perrie. 2 weeks.”

“Oh.” They both leave and I’m left to stand in the cold, empty kitchen. I walk over and lay my head against the wall. Bringing up my hands, I pound on the wall, not caring if I dent it or not.

I grab a glass and fill it with water and look at my phone to see if Louis had answered or not. When I see that he hasn’t, I shove my phone back in my pajama pocket. I don’t know what even possessed me to text him in the first place. I’m just some twenty year old he found who parties and he’s a teenager with a life and does good in school. I don’t even know why we exchanged numbers in the first place. What makes me keep coming back to this high school kid? Why is he so interesting? No, I can’t let what happened last year, happen again. It was one time and it was stupid. It will never happen again.


Please comment and give me feedback! Thank you for reading!

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