Chapter 10

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Louis’ POV

Harry parks the car in the driveway and we both step out.

“What are you doing?” I ask him while moving quickly towards the front door.

“Going inside.”

“What the heck, Harry? You can’t! My mom will be here any second and she’ll see your car in the driveway!” Sometimes he isn’t very logical.

“Oh my god Louis.”

“Just leave, okay!” I snap.

“Fine!” He yells and turns around to get back in the car. I feel bad for yelling at him, but he can’t be here right now. As he’s leaving the driveway, my mom’s car pulls up and I immediately step inside the house.

“What took you so long?” Emma calls out to me.

“My mom’s in the driveway!”

“Oh my god! Get upstairs!”

I run up the stairs and get to her room. The doorbell rings and I don’t know what to do. I lie on her bed and grab her iPod and headphones. I quickly try to turn it on, so it looks like I was listening to music. As soon as I get it on, I feel the headphones yanked from my ears.

“Louis William Tomlinson, I was looking everywhere for you! Where the hell were you? What makes you think you can just run off and not leave a note or a call or anything?” My mom is dressed in her work clothes, but it’s seven in the morning. She didn’t go to work so she could look for me.

“I was asleep! Emma told me, she told you I was here.” I try to defend myself with the lie. Emma walks in and runs to my side. My mom likes Emma, so hopefully she won’t give me as hard of a time when she’s here.

“I thought that too, until I saw your friend pulling out of the driveway!”

Shoot. I knew Harry shouldn’t have gotten out of the car. I don’t even know why he wanted to. He obviously knew my mom was on her way. I’m completely speechless. I have no clue what to tell my mom; she caught me red handed.

“He came to the door looking for a friend, but he had the wrong house.” Emma quickly lies. Thank god, Emma said something. The silence was lingering for too long. My mom stares at Emma long and hard to see if she is telling the truth.

“More like wrong friend. Louis, I want you in my car now.” I quickly jump to my feet leaving the tension from the room. I get in my mom’s car and buckle my seat belt prepared for a lecture of screaming.

My mom steps in minutes after and starts to drive home. She doesn’t talk the entire way and there is no way I’m bringing up anything, so the ride stays silent.

“Your father and I need to talk to you when you get inside.” My mother states and walks past me to the front door.

Harry’s POV

Music blasts through my ears as I reach for another cup. People everywhere are dancing and grinding and I’m just sitting here on a couch. I watch as Addison talks to Liam and Perrie grinds on Zayn to the beat. Perrie has always been a bitch. I hated her when I got here and nothing’s going to change that.

“C’mon man, dance with us! It’s boring if you just sit there.” Niall yells over the music.

“I can do whatever the hell I want!” I yell back at him. This music really is loud; I swear they’re trying to make us go def.

“Dude, it’s Liam’s birthday!”

“Fuck off, Niall.” I say as he rolls his eyes and backs away. Zayn walks over and sits next to me on the couch.

“So, did you wish Liam a happy birthday?” He asks as I put my cup down.

“Like hell you care if I did or not! What do you want?”

“We need to talk.”

“We already did. You called me and that was it.” Zayn catches me off guard and pulls me aside.

“Get the fuck off me!” I say as we step into the kitchen. “I’m not having this stupid conversation with you!” The music is softer in the kitchen, but now I want it to be the loudest room in the house to block out this discussion.

“We have unfinished business!”

“No we don’t. I called it off and you went with Perrie, it’s done.”

“You know damn well that I had already liked Perrie!” 

“Exactly! I dumped you, so just get over it.”

“On the phone, you said there was someone else. Who is it?” Zayn says and crosses his arms. Shit. No one can know about Louis, especially Zayn. He’ll just use Louis as an example that I’m gay and will still date him. I’m sure he will try to threaten Louis and our relationship and I can’t do that to Louis. I won’t let Louis get hurt.

“Look Zayn,” I walk over to him. “I’m done with being your boyfriend. You and I were just a stupid summer romance and it will never happen again. The sooner you realize that, the better.” I walk out of the kitchen and out of Liam’s house.


I texted Louis six times in the past hour and he hasn’t answered. It’s starting to worry me and I have no other way to contact him. I’m just going to have to go to his house and check on him myself. I drive to his house and ring the doorbell. Nobody comes and I start to think that maybe it’s a sign that I shouldn’t be here, but eventually the door opens.


Thank you so much to everyone reading! Please vote and tell me what you think :)

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