Chapter 15

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Harry’s POV

“So what’s with the boy that’s always here? Is he your brother?” My annoying secretary partner asks.

“No.” I stay looking at my computer screen.

“So who is he? You never bring guests.” She states while typing information into her computer.

“He’s none of your business, Julie. Drop it.”

“What’s wrong, Harry?” She turns to face me.

“Nothing. Why are you asking so many questions?” 

“I’m just making conversation, so grow some balls and answer.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I roll my eyes.

“Okay well I’m going to dinner. Do you want to join me?” She gets up and puts her computer to sleep. I watch as she grabs her knock-off brand jacket and keys.

“Not anymore.” She scoffs at my answer.

“Okay, bye Harry.” She walks out of the building and I immediately grab my cell phone.

Louis’ POV

“Do you like horses?” Emma asks.

“Would you stop asking random questions and actually study.” Emma grabs a crumbled up piece of paper from the floor and throws it at me. I laugh as it hits my forehead. “Well, it’s like the thirtieth question.”

“You know I hate biology.” She wines.

“Yeah and I’m here to help you stay focused.” I look back down at my work and finish the math problem I was on.

“So you don’t like horses?”

“Shut up, Emma.” I smile and shake my head. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I immediately smile when I see “Harry” across the screen. “I’ll be right back.” I leave and go into the bathroom.

“Hey. What’s up?” I ask into the receiver.

“No one’s at the hospital so I just decided to call.”

“Oh.” I say, not knowing what else to say.

“Have you asked your parents about going out of town yet?”

“No not yet. I’ll ask them tonight.” I look into the mirror and see my reflection. I don’t think my eyes are as beautiful as Harry says, they’re just eyes. Why does he think I’m beautiful and cute? I’m not fit, like him or any of the good looking guys. I don’t have abs, like him.  I don’t have a perfect smile, so why does he say it to me? Is he lying?

“Okay, well you’ll have to ask after our date.” Harry says, interrupting my self-criticism.

“What date?”

“I’m asking you to dinner, Louis.” I can tell he is laughing at me in his head.

“Oh, well that was nice.”

“But… you don’t want to.” He sighs.

“Not that I don’t want to, but I can’t. I’m at Emma’s right now and she needs help with studying. Then I have to go home and eat dinner.” I say.

“Well that’s perfect actually.”

“Perfect?” That is definitely not the response I was expecting.

“Yeah. Just finish helping her, then tell your mom you’re staying for dinner and I’ll just pick you up.”

“I don’t like getting in trouble and I don’t want my phone taken away again. It’s my only connection to you.”

“It’s okay, I promise it’ll work out.”

“Yeah just like the last promise.” I scoff and roll my eyes.

“I’m prepared this time, okay?”

“Okay.” I sigh. “I’ll see you then.”

“Okay, bye babe.” He says and the line goes dead. I smile to myself. I love it when he calls me babe, it just makes me feel complete.


Harry’s POV

I pull my car up to her driveway and walk to the front door. Before I can knock, the door quickly swings open. Emma walks out and closes the door behind her.

“Where’s Louis?” I ask confused of why she came out here.

“He’s busy and I need to talk to you.” She walks away from the door and I follow.


“Look, Louis has never been in a relationship before.”

“Yeah, well now he is.”

“I’m aware.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Since you can’t get the talk from one of his family members, I’ll be glad to do it.”

“I’m not having this dumbass conversation with you, so forget it.” I start to walk away from her, but she quickly grabs my arm and turns me around.

“I don’t trust you and I don’t like you. I know that all you do is get drunk and I don’t want you to hurt him. You already almost did hurt him and knowing that, I’m sure you won’t hesitate to do it again. Louis, is complicated, trust me. I’ve known him longer than you.” She’s now up in my face trying to threaten me. “Louis has never done anything romantic. Don’t you dare ruin this for him! Don’t you dare take his pureness, if you can’t keep your promises! Don’t you dare do something you’ll regret with him! Don’t you dare!”

“Look,” I gently push her away from me, for personal space. I’m looking down on her, giving my tallness an intimidating advantage. “I know what I’m doing, I’m not an idiot. Louis chose to be with me and it’s not my fault I’m his first boyfriend. I can do what I want and if you can’t get that, then fuck off. I don’t care what you think of us.”

“Harry, I’m Louis’ best and only friend. I know what’s good for him and it’s not you. All I’m saying is that, if you hurt him, even once, I swear to God-” Before she can finish the door swings open and Louis comes to join us outside.

“Why didn’t you tell me Harry was here?” Louis shakes his hair and tries to fix it. His hair is perfect the way it is; it’s impossible for him to “fix”. Emma is glaring at me as I fond over the 17 year old.

“He just got here.” She says with a sigh and crosses her arms.


I'm so sorry i haven't updated in forever! This is my longest chapter to make up for it. Please vote and tell me what you think in the comments :)


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