Chapter 29

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Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while... I've been really busy... Family issues and stuff. But anyway enjoy!


I woke up in my bed with pain. I tried to stand up but I succeedingly failed at that.

Niall comes in the room.

"Hey babe, you sore?"
He asks with a smirk.

"Haha, very funny. Ni I'm in pain can we have a do nothing day today? Lay around watch movies, cuddle." I say giving him the best puppy dog look I can.

"Yes, anything for you. Let me guess we start off with step up 4?"

I laughed cause he knew my favorite movie.

I nodded my head and he walked out of my bedroom to get snacks and the movies.

I lay there thinking about last night. Actually about how fucked up this whole school year has been.. The only good thing was meeting Niall and having Liam and Amanda here for me. My billet wound hurts but not as much as it usually does, so that's got to be a good sign right?

I look up at the ceiling.

''God my whole body aches'' I laugh to myself.

I hear Niall come in.

"Hey, I can run a bubble bath for you" he offered. "I could go get movies and food while you soak"

"Come here" I say. He comes over and hovers over me. I lean up and kiss him on the nose then the mouths "that would be perfect. But Niall..." I say tearing up.

"What princess??" He says with a saddened look.

"I'm scared to be alone.."

"Awe don't be I won't go anywhere, I'll just order a pizza and we can watch movies from nexflix? I'll even stay in the bathroom with you while you take a bath if you want" he says, making me 100% better.

"I love you so much Niall, like I can't even explain to you... Please don't ever leave me" i looked up into his eyes as I said it. He got serious.

"Baby, I will never leave you. As long as I'm breathing, I will be right by your side, nothing will ever happen to you I promise" he kissed my forehead and picked me up bridal style. "Now let's get you in that bath?"

He walked me into the bathroom and he had it all perfect. He had bubbles in the bath and my book next to the bath. He had candles lit and he even put some blankets and a pillow iron the floor next to the bathtub so he would be comfortable while staying in there.

I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and smiled. He set me down on the sink counter.

"Now you can't take a bath with clothes on can you?"
He takes my shirt off and sweatpants on. He undos my bra and stands me up and pulls down my panties.

He pushes up his sleeves and picks me up again. He slowly puts me into the bathtub. It's perfect tempature. I smile and kiss him.

He lays down next to the bathtub and we talk. Until I'm ready to get out.


After he helps me get dressed, he puts in the movie and we watch probably 7 movies.

' Today was perfect, I couldn't ask for anyone better then Niall. I hope I never ever loose him.'
I think to myself as the movie ends.

Niall grabs the remote and turns the tv off.

"You tired babe?" He asks.

"Very" I say rubbing my eyes. "Sing to me?" I ask knowing he never sings to anyone cause there's to many bad memories.

He pulls me closer.

"I'll only sing to you, whenever whenever" he say then kissed my forehead. He turned the lap off and got comfortable. I put my head on his chest and fall asleep to Niall singing 'sure thing' by Miguel.


So how'd you like it!??????
Was it good???
I know this might sound like the end if the story but it's not<3

Well it's 10:00pm and I'm tired!!
Night my lovlies!!

Oh and btw I have a Instagram follow me? Even dm me haha here it is


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