Recap/Another Day

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Jake's Pov

Is that her?

Rose's Pov

Is that him?

Jake's Pov

Is that her ??

Rose's Pov

"I'm am NOT ready for this!" I yell.

"Yes, you are" Jake answers.

" Let's fucking do this!" I slap my stamp tramp. I power up.

"Woah, Rose. I didn't know that about you." Jake says.

"It's new." I say.

" So....." I say.

" This ....." Jake says.

"Is...." I say.

" The end?" We both question.

Skip Time

Nat's POV

*beep beep beep*
I slammed my hand on my alarm clock. I really disagree with getting up for work. Okay it's go time.

*skip bathroom and getting dress time*
On my way to work I felt something strange like someone was following but I turned around and there was no one there. I turn back around and BAM there was my friend Snannah. She kinda creeps me out at time but ehh she's there for me.

We were walking together because we work at the same place it's called " Wonder Babes." She pole dances while I bartend except weekends I sometimes dance too. Anyway when we walked in the hand was setting up.

"Hey trandy" I said,because he is so cute.
"Hey hoe how was your weekend without me"he said.
"Lonely and BORING!"
" Well tomorrow you have a fight at 12:47"he said.

That's right you heard right I street right for extra cash. I'm pretty strong that I got a 6 pack.

I was so in a daze that I didn't see the I guess club filling in with people. Well Shit time to deal with the disgusting Perverts.

Badder Boy Next DoorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora