Chapter 1

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     Gajeel Redfox was staring up at a huge tower in front of him. "Hm... So this is where the king's daughter got herself locked up. Over two hundred feet problem."

     "Gajeel, you idiot!" a small fairy leapt onto his shoulder, protesting loudly into his ear, "Don't do this again, you know what happens!"

     "And I know you're wrong," Gajeel smirked down at her confidentally, "Sorry, shrimp, I don't gotta listen to you."

     The fairylike creature bristled with indignation, tossing her head to get her short, cerulean hair from her eyes, "For the billionth time, my name is LEVY, not shrimp! And you have to listen to what I say to you, because-"

     "Here we go again," Gajeel rolled his eyes, "Yes, I know the story. You were 'bestowed' upon me by a wacky old witch to 'guide' me through knighthood. Gimme a break. Sure, I get the jobs done, but they're really difficult and I usually break somethin' thanks to your so called 'guidance'."

     Levy face palmed in annoyance, "That's because you never listen to me!!! I TRY to make everything easier, but you disagree with anything and everything I say!"

     "No I don't," Gajeel said, then frowned, realizing he'd just confirmed it.

     Levy gave him an exasperated look, "Listen to me now. Do NOT go up there. There is a WITCH. Don't jump her, getting a plan worked out is important. So let's think it over first, and -"

     "Screw thinkin'," Gajeel grabbed a vine on the side of the monstrous stone tower, testing his weight before beginning the climb.

     Levy flitted around his head, continuing to protest, "Gajeel, this is a bad idea! You're going to get yourself killed!" at this point, she knew it was completely hopeless, and sighed wearily as he said:

     "Remember that dragon I fought awhile back? When I completely hit by its fire and you thought I was dead? It didn't hurt me at all. And remember that time where that troll hit me so hard, but it didn't kill me?"

     Levy frowned, "Do you have a point?" she asked.

     "Yeah, actually. The point I'm making means that I'm stronger than normal people. So quit worryin' about me and shut up before you give our location away," Gajeel grumbled, heaving himself higher up the tower, doing surprisingly well on speed and height.

     Levy glowered at him, "Gajeel, you ought to start listening to me."

     "Why?" he grunted, pulling himself higher up.

     "Because if you're not careful, I'll quit," she warned, wagging a finger warningly in his face.

     Gajeel's brow furrowed slightly as he frowned, "You can't do that." he growled, glancing up to see how far he had yet to climb.

     "Oh, yes I can," she pulled a scroll of paper from thin air and showed it to him, "Succubi law clearly states that if there isn't a firm bond between both human and succubi, all succubi are allowed to desert once a bond has begun between them and another human."

     Gajeel scowled, "You don't have a bond with another human."

     "I'm friends with Jet and Droy the squires," Levy told him, "They're nice to me, and Jet has always said he'd like a succubi. And most importantly, he listens to me."

     "So you're gonna ditch me?" Gajeel stopped climbing to look at her.

     Levy sighed, brushing loose strands of hair back from her amber eyes and shaking her head, "No, silly. Not right now, anyway."

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