Chapter 11

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     Levy had returned back into the room a short time later, and Lucy passed out some food to her and Gajeel, "There you guys are!" she said brightly despite the rain that continued to fall outside, pattering on the roof top above.

     "Sweet," Gajeel grinned, taking a bite from his food but Levy silently accepted hers, sitting down and staring out the window as if lost in thought. Her mind was still fixed on part of the prophecy. "If his mind stays his own, all evil shall perish. But if he loses his thoughts, he'll lose those he cherishes."

     Lucy must've noticed this, for she rested avhand on Levy's shoulder, murmuring into her ear, "Don't think too much about the prophecy. Things like that tend to work themselves out on their own."

     Levy gave a small nod, then turned to Gajeel, "How's your injury? Can you walk okay?"

     "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a scratch," he shrugged his shoulders casually as he laid on the bed, shoving a strand of hair back from his eyes.

     "Actually he can't walk on it," Natsu said, popping up and grabbing some food from the box Lucy was carrying, "I'd give him at least over night before I'd go anywhere if I were you."

     Gajeel scowled, "Shut up, Flame Brain, I'm fine."

     Natsu grinned, "Hey, Lucy, do we have any more of this stuff around here?" he asked, holding up an empty food bag.

     She smiled, "Yeah, in the cabinets downstairs. Don't eat it all though!" she called after him as he raced off down the stairs. Then she rolled her eyes, glancing back at Levy in exasperation, "I'm honestly surprised he hasn't eaten us into bankruptcy."

     Levy managed a smile, then turned to Gajeel, giving him her food, "You want this? I'm not hungry."

     "Sure, I guess. You okay, shrimp?" Gajeel frowned at her for a moment, then returned to his food as she nodded hastily. Then he faced Lucy, "We'll stay the night here, 'Kay? Then we'll head to the library in the mornin'."

    "Why are you going to the library?" Lucy questioned as she stacked a few bags that Natsu had left littering the floor into the box beside her.

     "We're trying to find a guy called Gael Redfox, who supposedly lives around here," Gajeel shrugged.

     "Gael Redfox? Yeah, he's a cool guy." Lucy said, lifting the box and setting it outside of the room.

     "You know him?" Gajeel glanced up at her.

     "I visit him sometimes," Lucy replied, "Natsu likes to fight with him, but we haven't gone to see him in awhile. Do you want me to tell you where he lives?"

     Levy was only half listening, but at this she looked up, "Oh, could you? That would be great!"

     Lucy smiled, "Cool, I'll go get you a map so I can show you." and she raced downstairs out of sight.

     Gajeel was frowning at Levy again, "Oi, shrimp, you sure you're okay? You're actin' a bit weird today. Is there a problem or somethin'?"

     "No, I'm fine," Levy said hastily, "It's nothing." but it wasn't. She didn't understand the prophecy at all. And it scared her. 'For inside of him shall reveal darkness, the blood of a devil's beast.' Sure he could be harsh, but not that harsh! And the whole prophecy literally made no sense! Why did everything have to be so confusing?

     "Hey," Gajeel snapped a finger in her face, "Tell me what the problem is."

     "I told you already, its nothing," Levy insisted, "Please stop bothering me about it, Gajeel. I'm fine."

     Gajeel opened his mouth to protest, but Levy cut him off, "Um, is there a full moon any time soon?" the prophecy would come true on the next full moon, according to one of the verses.

     "A couple days or so, I think. Why?"

     Levy froze, her eyes widening, "A-a few days? B-but that means..." she trailed off, closing her eyes tightly.

     Gajeel sighed, pulling her down onto the bed beside him and into a hug that startled her.

     "G-Gajeel..?" she stammered in shock, her face turning pink.

      "I don't know what's botherin' you, nor why you ain't gonna tell me. But if you wanna tell me,then don't be afraid to, okay? I promised you we'd share our problems, so don't hesitate, ya got that, shrimp?"

     Levy blushed slightly, "I know, I just..."

     Suddenly, Lucy returned, and they leapt away from each other, "Okay, here's the map! And I marked out the path you need to go on, right here in red, see? That way you'll be all set in the morning."

     "Awesome!" Levy gave her new friend a hug, "Thank you so much for all of your help, okay? We really appreciate it!"

      "No problem! Drop by whenever you want," Lucy smiled, hugging her back, "Now I'm going to let you two get some sleep; I bet you're both exhausted." she waved a quick goodbye before vanishing out the door.

     Gajeel and Levy joined Natsu and Lucy downstairs that morning, saying their last goodbyes. But right before they parted, Lucy whispered to Levy, "The prophecy was told by a witch called Zaubera Lenar. The best thing you can do for Gajeel now is to form a strong bond and try not to interfere."

 Levy gave a small nod, and then she and Gajeel parted ways with the two, heading towards the town's borders at a swift, cautious pace.

     "So your father lives way out of town?" Levy asked a few hours later as they trudged through a dense forest.

     "Yeah, seems so," Gajeel grumbled, holding the map in his hands, "Guess he ain't a very social person."

     Levy wasn't surprised, but she morphed into succubi form and flitted up to his shoulder, landing smoothly so she could stop and try to make sense of the crazy prophecy. She murmured to herself about the verses, pondering their meaning.

     "What're you mutterin' about, shrimp?" Gajeel scowled at her.

     "Oh, nothing... Just thinking."

     "About...?" he prompted, adjusting the map in his hands so he could see it better as he walked.

     Levy sighed brushing hair back from her eyes, "Oh...just a riddle a friend told me. She said it was something to do on the walk."

     "How can you lie with such a straight face?" Gajeel was giving her a long look, and she realized he looked hurt. First his mother had kept secrets from him and now Levy was doing the same. But before she could think of a way to answer, she saw a house through the trees.

     "Look, there it is!" She exclaimed, leaping off of his shoulder and turning into human form as she pointed.

     Gajeel glanced up, and she took off, racing towards it and coming to a halt on the porch. He swiftly caught up, then they surveyed the house.

     It was small and entirely made from wood. The door, supports, roof, walls— all of it except for the windows and the doorknob. It was almost shabby, and there was a scent of decay lingering around it. But it altogether looked like a comfortable place, not at all unlikable.

     Gajeel raised his hand to knock on the door but paused, glancing uncertainly at Levy. She understood. It would be his first time seeing his father since his mother had died. Even so, she gave him an encouraging nod.

     So he knocked on the door, arranging his face into an expressionless mask, but Levy could tell he was nervous.

    The door slid open to show a man standing there. He had shaggy black hair that was slicked back and ran down to his shoulders. His dark eyes were weary and he had a gaunt appearance. Despite his obvious weariness, he had a strong build that gave him a dangerous look, and a scar cut across one eye, though he didn't look nearly as old as he must be.

     The man stared at them, his eyes darting up and down Gajeel as he said uncertainly, "Gajeel...?"

     Gajeel rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish grin, "Hey, Dad. Guess it's been awhile, huh?"

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