Chapter 3

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"Draco." I felt someone shake me roughly. I stirred in my sleep, turning over again. Can't they leave me in peace. "Wake up!" I bolted up in the bed to see dark emerald walls around me. They were decorated with simple pictures of people and scenes. Bookcases lined the walls, they were towering over my head. A man with straight jet black hair, sat at the foot of my bed, staring deep in my eyes.

"Snape." I said to him as he tore his eyes away from mine to look at my arms. They were bruised and dirty probably from the fire. He muttered something and got up taking me by my arms and dragged me into the bathroom. He turned on the water in the tub and told me to get in. He handed me soap and a sponge washing my body.

"Draco, I'm so sorry." He spoke softly as I winced in pain at his gentle touch. He washed the smoke off my skin and blood and turned to the wall. Nobody has been this caring for me in such a long time. His eyes had dark circles resting underneath them and his eyes were sullen and sunken back in his head. His clothes were tattered just a bit, tear here, tear there. His black hair swiftly moved along with him as he took me out of the tub, wrapping me in a towel. I felt numb and enable to move as he dried me down.

I watched him as he went out of the room and came back with clothes in his arms. I threw them on my body and smiled at my first pair of fresh clothes in months. I tried to clean myself, but it was hard. After my Mother's death, my Father started to lash out more and disable himself from the world. He didn't go to work, he didn't visit his old friends, he didn't talk to family or myself, other than to beat me. I let the house elves go because of the cruel ways that he treated them, it was wrong. I felt bad. After that, the house dirt piled up and became the flooring.

Clean clothes? I would have to buy them. Money? I would have to sell stuff because Father didn't bring home my any money besides the money for his drinks at the bar that he won from gambling. I walked the streets in search of money for food, got looks of pity and disgust from workers and villagers. I had even tried going to the muggle world to try to get stuff, but the didn't even take a glance at me. They walked passed me as I was just another brick in the wall. ( I hope you get my reference - I am listening to the album right now:) )

I walked downstairs after Snape and saw him sitting at the table with a man with shaggy brown hair. He grinned widely at the sight of me and rose to his feet.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy?" He spoke. I nodded my head looking to the side in shyness. "Well, I am Remus Lupin." The man smiled, his face crinkled. It was welcoming.

"Remus calm down. No need to jump out of your skin. Your scaring him, dear." A man came out of the shadows with black and brown hair, just like Remus' but curly and unruly. He skin showed bravery and it was tense. He went up to Remus and wrapped his arms around his waist. They smiled at each other before turning to Snape. "I am Sirius Black, this is my husband Remus Black." He looked at his husband who was wrapped in his arms. "Yes, that's your last name!" Remus rolled his eyes. I looked at Snape who sat up at the table, with a soft look of pleasure on his face.

"Draco - I'm sure you know that I am a Professor, right? At Hogwarts?" I nodded to his words. "Good." He hesitated before continuing. "I don't know how to put this, but. Draco- your Father is dead. Your Father before he died put The Blacks in charge of raising you if anything happened. You will live with them until school starts, then you will go with Professor Lupin and Professor Black and myself to the train station. The Blacks will be your parents from now on. We all teach at the school, so if you need any help at all. Just come to us. We all care for you."

Just the thought of knowing I'm going with people who love me and won't leave me makes me happy. I ran to the two men and hugged them dearly before going to Snape. "Thank you." I stuttered as his long arms went to my back, he looked down at me and smiled before announcing lunch.

The table was decorated simply with dark colors, while the food looked amazing. The stew sat delicately on the table clothe as it was poured into bowls in front of us. The smell rose up to my face and I sighed at its scent. The colors of brown and red and orange in the liquid shown brightly. Snape dug into his meal, slowly and carefully with elegance. Sirius ate fast, but not as fast as his husband did. He ate with his head practically in the bowl, burping in relief afterword.

"Remus, baby, its rude and gross." Sirius said to the man next to him. Remus rolled his eyes and laughed in his face. "Draco, we live here by the way, this is our home. I teach History of Magic, while Remus here teaches Defense of the Dark Arts, and Snape teaches Potions." He made an explosion with his hands mockingly as Snape scoffed at his childish acts. They all laughed. "Do you have any questions?"

"Um how long till school starts?"

"About a month or so." Sirius said smiling.

I have a month to stuff my brian filled with knowledge.

Draco Malfoy and the Boy Who Lived Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now