Chapter 4

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"Draco, honey." My Dad looks down at me while putting pancakes on the table. His brown curly hair tucked behind his ears slightly. "Eat. Now." He sets my plate in front of me. I have a stack of pancakes, fruit, and whipping cream. I look at him and he raises his eyebrows.

"Sirius, you didn't poison this did you?" My Daddy asks my Dad, while poking the food around on his plate with utensils. His eyes widen as he picks up the food and sniff it. He sets in down.

"Why would I poison, the two people I love the most?" Dad says as he grabs a fist full of my hair. He messes my gelled look. I groan and try to get up from the table. "Draco, you start school today. You need to eat." I groan again. Thanks for reminding me, Dad.

After a month and a half of living with Sirius and Remus Lupin-Black, I grew to them. I begun to call them Dad and Daddy. Sirius was my Dad because he is more of a hard parent, not that soft, but very loving and supportive. While, Remus, my Daddy, always is with me, every second and super soft, like almost a girl soft. When I first called them that, they smiled so big that I thought their faces were going to break. It freaked me out. Every time Dad or Daddy brought up school, I froze up. Everybody knows about my old parents and their deaths. EVERYONE. How am I going to survive? 

"Is everything okay?" Daddy asked me as he started to eat the food Dad prepared. He cringed spitting it up, warning me just as I almost put my fork to my chapped lips. He took a napkin, swiping his tongue. "Ewww. Honey?" He called out just as Dad responded.

"Yes?" He said back, his head popping in the doorway.

"We are going to be late, why don't we get food at a vendor in the train station?" I sighed in relief. Dad was a bad cook. Like really bad. So bad, you would think he wanted to kill us. Daddy was a good cook, always made sure everything looked just as good as it tastes. 

"I am really that bad huh?" Dad chuckled as he took our plates and chucked them away in the garbage. 

"Yes." We both replied. Dad just kissed my forehead apologetically, then kissed Daddy. Daddy tried to make him feel better about the situation as I bolted out of the room. I ran up the stairs to my room and shut the door. Where is my bags? My wand? Where is everything? 

"Daddy, Dad!" I called opening the door slightly. "Where's my stuff?" I didn't hear a reply. I walked down the steps to see them holding all my stuff in their arms. Dad was practically falling over, leaning against Daddy who tried to make sure he didn't fall. Dad was so small compared to Daddy. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Draco Malfoy." My Dad spoke at me. His face was tense. "Stop laughing and get in the car." He shoved me out the door while I heard Daddy speak softly in a harsh tone. I couldn't make out the words. A taxi waiting before us in front of the house. It was slim, with a scrawny man sitting up front driving it. His hair very wiry and frizzy. He barked at us to hurry up or we'd miss the early call. At that pace, Daddy stuffed the car with our bags and Dad sat up front with the driver.

Daddy set his hand on top of mine and spoke, "Honey, don't worry." I nodded and leaned into him. Heck, I've known these men for a couple of months and I love them so much. They cared for me enough to take me in when I lost everything. They fed me, clothed me, and made sure I survived my nightmares. Fucking hell. I have nightmares. My house will make fun of me. I groaned in despair. 

"Draco, what's the matter?" Dad spoke to me turning his head. His through his hands to his hair, raking it nervously. 

"Nothing, Dad." He raised his eyebrows and shut his mouth closed, while Daddy continued to look down at me. "Daddy, nothing happened! I swear!" He rolled his eyes before telling the driver to drive forward. The man did so.

About 15 minutes in the drive, Dad turned to me again and spoke briefly, "Draco-" He started. 

Daddy cut him off, "If there is something going on I need to know." I rolled my eyes and sunk back into the seat. Daddy stared at me as if i kicked a puppy. "Come on, Draco."

"Oh my chuck! Daddy! Stop it!" I screamed. "It's just I have nightmares. About my Mother's death and my Father's. The fire. The abuse. Every little thing that every happened in my life that was connected to them. I will get bullied and teased. I will wake up sweating in a pant. I will cry. I will have no friends. I will be lonely."

"Honey." Dad started as he got out of the parked car. He opened my door and let me out pulling me into a tight embrace. "Don't worry." Daddy joined us and hugged my back as I cried out. They released me and grabbed the bags and handed me my wand. They smiled down at me while Dad leaned into Daddy's chest.

"Let's get some food." Daddy said as dad started to scoff at him. Dad started to defend his cooking, while Daddy handed me a note and told me to get tea and fruit. I nodded and ran to the nearest vendor, buying what he wanted. I came back with the cups of tea and fruit only to see my Dads gone. Um?

I turned left and right, back and forth. Where did they go? The station held people busing around getting to the trains fast. People in robes like mine ran about and rushed through the doors while others calmingly walked to their destination. Children clutching on their Mother's dresses or hands, while the Father's paced gently next to them in a awkward manner. I finally sat on a bench watching the scenery on to feel eyes lurking upon my skin.

"Look its Malfoy." A girl hissed to her group pointing at me as I sulked into the bench more.

"He is a loser." The other girl said with curly hair, making her friends break out in hysterics.

"His parents are dead." A boy added as the girl with curly hair laughed and practically yelled.

"Kids!" A woman with dark hair spoke, "Let's go! Hurry up!" The kids sighed as the lady pulled them away.

"Draco!" I turned to see Dad standing in front of me He grabbed his tea and fruit eating it fast before giving Daddy his. "We have to go! The train will leave!" He grabbed my hand and we ran to a wall in between station 9 and 10. He ran towards the wall griping my arms and bags while Daddy trailed behind us. I closed my eyes right before I crashed into the wall, just to open them to see people piling in on the train in front of our feet.

A/N -

Hey Guys!!!

This is going pretty well! I am enjoying my writing. 






Check out my other books:

Angels Arrow (Changing name soon) (Vampire book)

The Reality of Romance

The Forbidden Slice of Dean (Teacher!CastielxStudent!Dean)

Little about my day so far:

It is 2:30 pm in California! It's raining. My family is packing up for a flood that may happen. I don't know. 

I am currently reading:

Gym Love by hecdaevis

Books I just finished and love love love:

Top and Tail by AlyWasHere17

Broken Hope by PositivelyDazed

Self Control by Marcysky

Mr. Spice & everything nice by yaoiluvr4lyfe

Daddy by JackHarbon

You're Late by Drixton17

Red Lights by @wingsandhunters -SOBBBBBINGGGG

Metal-Mouth Romance by the_ss_superwholock

Draco Malfoy and the Boy Who Lived Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now