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Jiminie🎀: u fucking sloot
Jiminie🎀: ur gonna taint my children

Hobi❄️: what

Jiminie🎀: Hobi
Jiminie🎀: u are one of my closest friends
Jiminie🎀: and honestly you're my second favorite in our friend group
Jiminie🎀: but
Jiminie🎀: Tae and Kookie are children
Jiminie🎀: don't make them suffer

Hobi❄️: I am so confused

Jiminie🎀: Kookie still drinks from a juice box
Jiminie🎀: and Tae cries during thunderstorms
Jiminie🎀: do not hurt them
Jiminie🎀: or I will not hesitate to hurt you

Hobi❄️: Minnie, if you hit me, you would immediately apologize afterwards

Jiminie🎀: I will not hesitate to get Yoongi to hurt you

Hobi❄️: I love Taetae and Kookie pls don't tell Yoongi to hurt me

Jiminie🎀: do you actually?
Jiminie🎀: love them?

Hobi❄️: yes
Hobi❄️: I don't know why this is bugging you
Hobi❄️: you know me

Jiminie🎀: I know
Jiminie🎀: but I also know Taehyung and Jungkook
Jiminie🎀: Taehyung gets sad easily when he doesn't get attention
Jiminie🎀: and Jungkook fucking explodes when Taehyung is sad
Jiminie🎀: and I know that once you go to the dance studio, you're dead to the world
Jiminie🎀: one time nobody heard from you for two weeks
Jiminie🎀: and we found out you were practicing for a solo

Hobi❄️: alright listen

Jiminie🎀: lmao
Jiminie🎀: ily a lot
Jiminie🎀: but please give them attention and don't ignore them
Jiminie🎀: they will find you, Hoseok
Jiminie🎀: I promise they'll find you

Hobi❄️: I'm in a new dance studio?
Hobi❄️: I haven't told anybody the name yet?

Jiminie🎀: did I fucking stutter?

Hobi❄️: no
Hobi❄️: you're being a bit overdramatic

Jiminie🎀: oh
Jiminie🎀: okay

Jiminie🎀 has added Yoongi🎹 into the group chat 'sloot'

Yoongi🎹: yes?

Jiminie🎀: Hobi said that I was being over dramatic

Hobi❄️: tattle tail

Yoongi🎹: excuse me?
Yoongi🎹: who gave you the fucking right?
Yoongi🎹: to call my angel of a boyfriend
Yoongi🎹: overdramatic
Yoongi🎹: and then
Yoongi🎹: call him a tattle tail
Yoongi🎹: right in front of me

Hobi❄️: listen Yoongs
Hobi❄️: my buddy
Hobi❄️: my emo
Hobi❄️: I was just messing around

Yoongi🎹: uh huh
Yoongi🎹: I will beat you
Yoongi🎹: until ur a fucking donkey
Yoongi🎹: no longer a horse, Hoseok
Yoongi🎹: a donkey


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