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Samuel Seabury can't apprehend how he got into this disastrous scenario,  but there's certainly no way to get out. He's ended up in a debate against Alexander Hamilton.

Sometimes Seabury regrets joining the debate team. It seemed like a good idea at first. Seabury was a complaisant debater. He tried to keep himself composed and let the opposition speaker clearly and thoroughly. Whether the person he was against was opposition or not, Seabury tried not inconvenience anyone in any way shape or form.

This wouldn't comply with one man in their team. Alexander Hamilton. The man was a passionate fellow. Hamilton spoke his thoughts freely and was short tempered. During some debates he and Jefferson would spend everyone's time bickering.

Mr. Washington hadn't had Hamilton debate with Jefferson, but instead Seabury. Seabury's acquaintances William Franklin and James Madison gave him an indisposed, apologetic look. They both mouthed a "Sorry" and "Good luck" as Seabury braced himself for what was to transpire.

He walked up to the tall wooden podium, and the short brunette did the same for the one next to him. Hamilton wore his thick, disheveled hair contained within a ponytail. Strands fell out and his chestnut eyes gave Seabury a shiver down his back.

"Hamilton. Take the opposition. Seabury. Take the Proposition," Mr. Washington instructed with his low, smooth grumble of a voice.

Seabury felt himself shrink as Mr. Washington announced those words. Hamilton loved taking the opposition. He absorbed frustration and contention.

Mr. Washington then stated the motion, and nodded his head as a gesture for to begin. Members in the team who knew Seabury as a debater silently cheered him on. Those members being just William and James. They wished the best for him, though.

"My name is Samuel Seabury, and I present
Free thoughts on the proceedings of the Continental Congress," Seabury managed to sputter. His thoughts scrambled as he tried to find words to continue.

Hamilton was quick to retort anything Seabury spoke. It was easy for Hamilton to belittle Seabury's words to make his opposition stronger. Seabury knew it was bound to happen, but it hurt.

The thing was, it was obvious that Seabury was weaker than Hamilton. He was a timid boy, and it was difficult to speak his thoughts out fully. Most of them were kept in by his mind.

"Oh my god, tear this dude apart," Hercules Mulligan called out at one point. The man wasn't even on the team, he was just there to support his friend. Hercules seemed like a kind person from afar. Seabury hadn't ever actually interacted with him, but from what he heard many people say about Hercules it was a definite that he had a better reputation that Seabury.

The corners of Seabury frowned, but he continued to attempt to prove his point. As he spoke, it was difficult to maintain eye contact with Hamilton. Seabury kept to himself when Hamilton said something he wanted to interrupt and correct. He didn't though, for the sake of being polite.

On the other hand, Hamilton didn't hesitate to jump in on anything Seabury said. Teammates applauded Hamilton as he made the opposition more powerful by doing this. Hamilton also spoke his thoughts out on whether he thought Seabury's points were weak or not.

"Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution. Don't let them lead you astray," Seabury spout. He was surprised at how his voice didn't waver.

"This Congress does not speak for me-"

"My dog speaks more eloquently than thee!"

Okay, what Seabury spoke wasn't cogent for the proposition, but none the less he was trying his best. Hamilton harshly spat his statement and became satisfied with the responses he was receiving from those around him.

Thomas Jefferson let out a loud howl of laughter at Hamilton's remark. "Sweet Jesus! The immigrant's said something that's true!" He slapped his knee as laughter escaped from his chest.

That alone was enough to make Seabury's throat tighten. Mr. Washington glared at Jefferson. "Thomas, settle down," he lectured.

Seabury furrowed his brows and looked at the bare floor. His vision blurred and he endeavored not bursting into tears in front of everyone. 

He was going to quit the debate team after this.


The first chapter is finally finished!
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