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Charles Lee, one of the people who can confidently say he enjoys his life. At least, that's what he constantly reminds himself. He had more than some and less than many. Neither of those things would stop him.

Like some, he had come on an academic scholarship. Though, it was not what he wanted to pursue in his life. Lee wanted to pursue dancing, of all things. As of the moment, Lee kept dancing has a background hobby. A background hobby he was always engrossed in.

Every dance practice gave Lee the sense of being alive. His heart pounding, his body gliding to the beat of a song, sweating so much afterward. It was all great to him, providing the sense of euphoria a human wouldn't fulfill for him.

Instead of going to a school of arts and major in becoming a choreographer or a teacher, Lee participated in psychology because his parents wanted him to.

"It's like a middle ground," Lee's mother directed. "Something that'll keep you on your toes."

Yeah, if trying to understand human knowledge and behavior kept him on his toes, Lee might as well break his feet.

Going to college wasn't difficult, but the people there were. Meeting friends and studying psychology came easy to Lee, but it was all tiring. Every day seemed to drag on.

The change of scenery from home was a benefit. Lee was thankful for his roommate, who livened up his college social life.

Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette was their name. The Frenchman went simply by Lafayette, and their friends who came to their dorm shortened the name more by just calling them "Laf."

Lafayette had come from afar and had risen up quickly. They balanced their social life and schoolwork in an organized fashion. They were one to finish their schoolwork at right before class started, and somehow make it smooth.

"Charles! I'm having Hercules over tonight! Is that okay with you?" Lafayette asked with enthusiasm that had been laced with his thick French accent.

Usually, Lafayette would notify him the night before, so he could find a friend like Washington to provide some room for him, but this time it had come unexpectedly. Lee knew for a fact that tonight was usually Washington & Martha's night out. Sleeping over while Washington wasn't there would be odd and rude.

"Oh, sure. What's the occasion?" Lee didn't want to turn them down. He didn't get to experience himself the wonderfulness of a partner, so he didn't want to get in the way.

"Hercules and I are.. How do you folks say?? Going to third base? I think I heard John say it in that manner," Lafayette chirped.

Lee raised his eyebrows. That wasn't expected out of his roommate. He gave a slow nod. "I, uh. I'll find someone to stay with for tonight. Have fun with Hercules!" Lee imposed a weak smile.

"Thank you!" Lafayette pulled Lee into a hug and threw their long arms around the smaller man. "No problem," Lee returned the embrace.


Later that day, Lee was in the middle of class contemplating what his minor crisis. He sat through one of his uninteresting courses while taking bland notes.

Right next to him sat Aaron Burr, an old high school friend who he had reunited with a couple days ago. He wasn't expecting to see Burr at all, but Lee appreciated seeing an old friend.

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