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I feel like even though this is a Hamilton fanfic, Hamilton wouldn't really be a character here? The Hamilsquad is their own little thing, and it just so happens my two favs are not in the Hamilsquad.

((Ham is so salty, and I don't really ship Lams (even though it's adorable) but I love HamLiza but it makes me want to die.  ://))

This book is literally 4 chapter of bullshit in a plot of one night.

Seabury wakes up next to Lee, whose body is slightly slumped over his own. The blanket strongly reeks of Lee's scent, (and it's definitely not a bad thing to Seabury.) It's musky, like a citrus, but off-set with the smell of wood and spices.

The alarm didn't go off. It's on Saturday. Seabury completely forgot the end of the weekdays were yesterday.

Right next to Seabury, the warmth of Lee stirs as the man wakes up. Convenient. At least now they both don't have to face the awkward challenge of waking up without disturbing the other.

"Morning," Lee manages to make out before a loud yawn interrupts him. He moves the soft fabric from his body to get up off the couch.

"Morning," Seabury responds and follows Lee before he realizes that Lee is just folding up his blanket. Well, now he wasn't acting as a barricade to Lee.

Carefully, Lee brings the edges of his oddly designed blanket together. Seabury takes in the design. The blanket's simply black and white, but it looked as if someone vomited the two colors onto the fabric.

Not meaning to sound rude, the blanket still looked nice, and it still functioned as a blanket.

Lee extends his arm to his full wingspan and lets out a groan as he stretches. The man does mean to, but Seabury is staring. The man isn't ripped, but a level below that. He can see all of Lee's back muscles tense and relax.

And his wingspan takes up what seems to be half of the room. Seabury isn't judging the man in a mean way, but the guy seems to live a life better than his own, and he's jealous of that. Though he doesn't wish to act upon that jealousy and envy with hatred. Because enough people in the world do that already.

To him, that's many of the cases, like with an elementary school. Steve Glade was his name, and in every way, shape, and form did Seabury envy the boy. Pent-up envy isn't ever going to end well, because as soon as Glade's life went downhill and he turned it off all hell broke loose between him and Seabury.

Seabury doesn't like to think he can recall a memory from over 10 years ago, but he laughs about it to himself.

"Is Burr gonna be up anytime soon?" Lee questions, which snaps Seabury out of his thoughts.

"Oh, no. Burr won't be up until 2 pm. His body schedules that way. Leave him be," Seabury says in a slightly defensive tone. Hopefully, it doesn't come off angry at Lee. He doesn't intend for it to be.

"I see. Shall we go out for breakfast then?"

"Sure, I don't see why not," Seabury shrugs his shoulders. "But I don't have a car. I usually take the bus."

Lee smiles. "That's what I like about this shitty town. The public transportation will get you everywhere."


After a couple of minutes of getting ready for the day, the two head out. It's a nice day out, for a Saturday at least. Loads of fresh oxygen enter Seabury's system and he can't remember the last time he took a walk outside.

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