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I haven't written a story in a long time so heads up!! I may make mistakes and inconsistencies (Like Seabury disregarding the tea in the last chapter, haha,)

It was awkward at first for Seabury. The conversation between Burr and Lee flowed smoothly on their own. When he tried to join in the conversation became a bumpy road with potholes and detour signs. It was obvious that Burr had known Lee for about a year or so, and they were consistent in their system of conversation.

Adding Seabury into the equation was something that all of the trio had to account for. Burr was a thoughtful and constantly made sure to include Seabury on an inside joke told, or he would ask a random question about his life. Lee made sure to nod at the right moments as well as to chuckle at Seabury.

Even though the attention felt nice and Seabury deeply appreciated the attention plus efforts that Burr and Lee made to make Seabury feel like he was in a normal situation, it made Seabury feel slightly worse.

He disliked that Burr treated him like a young boy in need of help making new friends or whatnot. That was the case though, besides there wasn't anything he could do about it really.

Seabury wouldn't have the confidence to go up to Burr randomly and say, "Hey can you screw off?"

That would be incredibly rude anyways. Burr was just going out of his way to assist Seabury, and there wasn't actually a reason to stop him.

The trio sat discommoding on the lumpy, antiquated burgundy couch. The sound of Dance Moms played in the background while Burr and Lee discussed something Seabury didn't care about.

Instead of joining in on whatever Burr and Lee were talking about, Seabury checked his phone for any messages.

(3) New Messages!

Angie🥂: hey!! u wanna come over??

Angie🥂: it's just me bc eliza is out w/ a. ham

Angie🥂: peggys w/ maria

Seaberry🍓: ahh no aaron has a guest over & i don't wanna be rude

Angie🥂: oooh who is it?? 😏

Seaberry🍓: some charles lee guy

Angie🥂: awee how is he to you?

Angie🥂: he better be nice or i will not hesitate to bite his dick off

Seaberry🍓: i assure you he is a kind human

Seabury made a scrunched up, sour face at his phone screen, he was smiling though. Angelica's a strong hearted lady with a powerful mind. Her words could do more than knives could ever cut. He was incredibly thankful for accidentally knocking down a wine glass onto her dress. They later became friends because of their awkward greeting.

"Angelica again?" Burr interrupted Seabury's thoughts with a light-hearted laugh.

"Yes," Seabury shyly smiled.

"I see," Burr flashed a familiar grin, showing all of his pearly white teeth. The male maintained himself quite well.

Burr wasn't a person to let himself go, or he would reveal some part of him he wished no one to know. Seabury hadn't figured anything like that at all, so he didn't sweat it.

"20 questions?" Lee suggested out of the blue. It wasn't discreet that basically all of them were bored out of their mind.

Burr glanced at Seabury to see if it was okay with him. The look wasn't threatening or pressuring, but just a questioning look of consent.

"Sure," Seabury made a gawky sort of smile.

To be honest, Seabury hadn't played any sort of simple game since elementary school. And even then, it was just awkward because 20 questions with ten fourth graders never ended well.

After that, Seabury didn't enjoy playing games like that. Burr and Lee did seem to be friendly enough that Seabury didn't feel the need to be incredibly uncomfortable.

"Cool then," Lee replied in a confident tone. No matter what he said it seemed to always come out with a smooth, persuading tone.

Seabury wished he had a smooth voice like Lee or Burr, although it would sound odd on him. For the fact of the matter, Seabury's voice still cracked every once in a while.

Lee leaned back and made himself as comfortable as he could. He sat on the left side of Burr while Seabury sat on the other side of the male with his deep, umber skin.

"One. Favorite color?" Lee began with a simple question.

"Burnt Sierra," Burr answered oddly specific.

"Periwinkle," Seabury chirped. Lee watched as Seabury's face visibly brightened as he announced the answer. The timid man noticed this quickly and let out a small bellow of laughter out of embarrassment.

"Navy," Lee made his repartee. 

"Two. How are you, really?" Burr took his turn to ask a question.

The question took Seabury by surprise. The last time anyone asked him that was when he was 14, and that was only with his therapist. He had never experienced a friendship close enough to have someone ask him that.

In general, he hadn't had someone he considered a close friend. Is that was he and Burr were? The thought gave him a bittersweet feeling making his heart clench. Maybe it wasn't bittersweet. Describing it felt difficult like he wanted to cry- but a good cry.

Answering the question took Seabury a minute or two to collect his thoughts properly.

"I feel good. There's a bubbly sensation in my stomach, like opening a bottle of champagne. Right now I want to cry but in a good way. I don't know what to call it," Seabury rambled. His hands intertwined together and his fingers fumbled.

"Happiness," Burr deciphered. "That's what you call it."

"I like feeling happy," Seabury stated giddily. The sensation was great he didn't want it to stop.

"We all do," Lee chimed in. He was glad that Seabury felt happy, for he himself couldn't remember the last time he felt that ecstatic.


I'm happy with the ending I wrote. I didn't know what to do, but I got a short & sweet message from someone and I feel just as giddy as Seabury rn. ((It's 3 am what can I sayy))

I don't really have a plan for this, but I have some sort of idea. This happens with every story I write. I am determined to finish this.

I have many unsuccessful works on my other acc @Barmec1de because I'm scared I'll get judged for the things I have there. (Hense I created this account.)

And as always,
Thank you so much for reading this

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