Chapter 6: The Plan A

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Rachel's pov

Kent and I were still inside his car which is parked in front of my house.

"I am really sorry about the wine incident a while ago." He said looking apologetic.

"It's not your fault. Ever since grade school, Lana likes to piss me off everytime so it is totally normal for her to do stuff like that to me." I replied looking at him in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Let me make it up to you." He said. "I know this was supposed to be a fun and peaceful dinner."

"You don't need to make up for it. Like I said, it was not your fault." I replied sincerely.

"Please." He said. "I just want to spend more time with you again and next time I am going to make sure that it is going to be fun."

"Okay, fine." I said while smiling at him.

"Yey!" He said while smiling at me. He hugged me tightly and  hugge him back. "I've had so much fun with you tonight and I want to have more fun and happy moment with you. So will you let me?"

"I also had fun with you and I am looking forward to spending more time with you." I said while still hugging him.

We slowly released each other from the hug and we just sat there looking in each others eyes.

Our faces were only an inch aprt from each other. Kent slowly moved forward and he was looking down on my lips. I closed my eyes the same time he closed his. Our lips met and there were sparks everywhere. He kissed me slowly and I kissed back. I don't how long we were kissing but when we broke off the kiss, we were breathing heavily. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

I can't believe that I kissed one of the hottest guys in our school. Oh gosh! Is this a dream?!

"So see you tomorrow?" Kent said.

"Yup, see you tomorrow." I replied.

Kent went around his car to open the door on my side.

"Thank you for having a dinner with me Ms. Smith." He said while smiling.

"You're welcome Mr. Michaels." I said while smiling back at him.

He kissed me again but this time it was just a peck. He smiled again after kissing me.

Suddenly, I heard a sound like a trash can being kicked. When I looked to where the sound came from, I saw Drew standing on his front yard with a trash can not so far away from him. Why would he kick the trash can?

Oh, maybe he is pissed. Wait. Why would he be pissed? Maybe Lana was also being a bïtch to him.

"See you at the party tomorrow night." Kent made me snap back to reality when he said that.

"I'll be there." I said while smiling at him.

I walked to the porch of my house and waved goodbye to Kent. He left after waving back at me.

I looked on the Reed's front yard to see if Drew is still there. I saw him tying his shoe laces. He's probably going to have a run. After tying his shoes, he run and disappeared from my sight

OMG. He is running again. He is pissed. I am right! There's still a bit of my old Drew in him. I am going to tell this to Jackie tomorrow morning.


I woke up with a bright smile on my face. I am just really happy that there is a chance that my Drew is still inside that old Drew. I am also happy about my date with Kent.

I goy ready and went downstairs to have breakfast. I was jumping up and down with a big smile in my face. During breakfast,my parents noticed that I am so happy.

"Honey, you look so happy." My dad said.

"Darling, tell us about your date last night." My mom said. I blushed so hard when my mom said that.

"What date?" My dad said.

"Mom!" I exclaimed. She said that she was going to be the one who will say it to dad. Looks like she forgot about it.

Beep! Beep!

"Okay, bye!" I said while running towards the door.

"Explanation please." I heard my dad asking my mom before I closed the door. I just smiled at their silliness.

I went inside Drew's car. When I looked at him, I saw that he has big bags underneath his eyes. Did he ran all night last night? Oh no.

"You look like hell." I commented.

"I don't care." He replied rudely.

We fetched the slut and went straight to school.

"Babe, why do you have large bags underneath your eyes?" I heard Lana asking Drew right before I left the car.

"Shut up." He replied. "I'm not in the mood for your whining."

I almost laughed when I heard Drew saying that to Lana. The bïtch deserved it though.


It's lunch time, Jackie and I decided to seat inside the cafeteria. When we arrived there I saw Kent hanging out with his squad. He looks so happy and all the girls near him were admiring him. I feel like we don't belong together since he's popular and I'm just a normal school girl.

"Hey!" Jackie made me snap back to reality.

"Sorry. I just want to say that our plan is working even though I haven't pissed him of yet. Last night, he went for a run." I said excitedly.

"Good." She agreed. "Now, all we need to do is ask him why he is being rude all the time. We need to now why he changed."

"Yes, but how will we do that?" I asked her.

"I have an idea. Since tomorrow is Kent's party and I know everybody is gonna be there, so that means Drew will be partying with us." She said. "And since you want to kidnap him, we will need to bring him to one of the rooms and then I will lock it and then you will be the one to interrogate him."

"Wait, so you're finally agreeing with me on the kidnapping part?" I said while smiling at her.

"Yup!" She said excitedly.

This is going to be fun. I can't wait to know the truth but still I am nervous.


Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

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