Chapter 25: Apologies

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Rachel's pov

It has been three days since our big fight. Drew and I are still not talking to each other. We've been ignoring each other at school and we don't go to school together anymore. 

I'm getting tired. I can't sleep and eat properly. How can one man make me feel like this? Why does it hurt like this?

I told Jackie about what happened and she said that it may be the best if we try to cool off first before talking again. She said that talking when we are both angry won't help because we might say things that we don't mean so we will just regret it. I took her advice and tried to cool down and think about what happened.

All I did for the past three days is to think about what Drew said. Did he really mean it? Am I a disappointment? 

"Miss Smith, are you okay?" My teacher's voice brought me to reality.

"Yes, I'm fine." I replied pretending to be fine.

"You've been silently crying back there. Are you sure you're fine? You may go home if you're not feeling well." 

"I'm okay." I said while wiping my tears. I didn't even realize that I was already crying.

As soon as the bell for lunch rang, I went out the room. I did not go to the cafeteria. I lost my appetite ever since the fight. I went to the school garden where I could think peacefully.

I sat under my favorite tree. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the fight.


Jackie's pov 

I can't stand it anymore. My best friend is not in a good state these past few days. 

I know that Drew did not mean anything that he said during their fight. I know that he loves Rachel. 

Since I can't stand seeing my best friend not being her bubbly self, I will talk to her boyfriend to fix their problem. Knowing my best friend, she will just wait for Drew to approach her.

I am currently finding Drew. Where the hell is that stupid boy? I saw his fellow track and field players so approached them.

"Hey! Have you guys seen Drew?" I asked them cheerfully.

They stopped talking and looked at me. After looking at me, they started talking again at each other. What the hell? 

"HEY!" I shouted at them. That finally caught their attention. 

"What?" One of them asked. 

"Where is Drew Reed?" I asked.

"Maybe at the gym. We don't really know." Another one answered.

"Okay. Thanks." I said quickly and left them since I feel liked I'm just disturbing them.

I ran towards the gym. I need to make this fast since only 30 minutes are left for my lunch break. Thankfully, Drew is there. He was playing basketball alone.

"DREW!" I shouted to get his attention. Gladly, he looked at my direction. "I need to talk to you!" I said while running towards him.

He started walking towards me. We sat at the bleachers and he grabbed his water bottle to drink water, of course.

"Are you mad at Rachel?" I asked him seriously.

"No." He replied.

"Can you please talk to her. She's like a walking zombie ever since your fight." I said to him seriously.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"I don't know but you can try checking the school garden. Please fix your problem. I can't stand looking at my best friend anymore, she's not herself anymore." I said, fully concerned about my best friend.


Drew's pov

I ran towards the school garden after talking with Jackie. I didn't know that Rachel can't sleep and eat. 

I know that we need to fix our problem. So here I am, in front of a sleeping Rachel. She fell asleep on the grass under the tree. I feel bad. She looks so tired, with large black circles under her eyes. She also looked  a bit thinner, like she hasn't eaten for days. 

I lifted her up and carried her towards my car. I laid her down on the back seat. I drove home and carried her to my house. She needs to rest and eat. 

Once we were inside my room, I set her down on my bed. I removed her shoes so she will be more comfortable. I went downstairs and prepared some food for the both of us. After preparing the food, I put it in a tray so I could carry it upstairs.

I went upstairs and went inside my room. I put down the tray on my bedside table. I was about to wake Rachel up when she started crying on her sleep. 

"Am I a disappointment?" She whispered while crying in her sleep.

I can't believe that our fight will have that much of impact to her. We really need to solve our problem.

I woke her up so she could eat and so that we could talk.

"Please eat." I said to her. "Then let's talk after."

She looked at me and started crying. She hugged me tightly and said, "I'm so sorry for being a disappointment. Please don't be mad at me ever again. I can't afford to lose you." 

I felt guilty that she felt like this. I hugged her back and said, "Please stop crying. I can't stand seeing you cry because of me. I'm the one who should be saying sorry. I'm sorry for making you feel like a disappointment. I was just mad and I said some stuff that I didn't mean. I love you and I'm sorry for not protecting you properly during prom. I promise that next time, I'll think of my actions first." 

"What did you say?" she whispered while breaking the hug and looking at me. "You said that you love me?"

I was supposed to say that to her in the right time but I guess it's better that she knows it now.

"Yes, I love you. You don't need to say it back." I replied.

I was surprised when she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me softly. Before I could kiss back, she broke the kiss and said three wonderful words that I want to hear from her.

"I love you." 


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