Chapter 10: Getting Ready

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Rachel's pov

It has been three weeks since Kent asked me to be his girlfriend and I was truly happy about my decision in saying yes to him. I am really happy when he's around. Nothing much has changed except for the fact that Jackie is dating someone. She thinks that I don't know it but duh I am her best friend so I know when she's hiding something from me. I'm just going to give her time and let her be.

Drew, on the other side, is still rude as ever. I only ride with him on the way to school since Kent insists on taking me home. I always see Drew running when I'm on my way home. So that means he's pissed or something like that. But almost every night, I see him with Lana in his room. God knows what they are doing. 

My birthday is so near. It's like 3 days until I turn 18. My parents allowed me to have a huge party but they said that I can't have alcohol served but knowing people from my school, they will probably bring some alcohol. I promised my parents that I will take care of the house and they know that I will because they trust me. They are going to Paris for a business meeting and they will stay there for two weeks. And since I am not that lucky, they said that I should stay at the Reed's house when I am alone or Drew should stay with me when I don't have friends around me. Basically, they want Drew to be my 'bodyguard'. I don't know what I would feel about that.

Last weekend, Jackie and I went shopping for my party. I bought a dress and we bought the foods. I invited a lot of my friends who are either a classmate from a subject or an old friend. And I know that they would bring their other friends so my party would be packed. After buying almost all of the junk foods in the market, we finally went home. I was exhausted so I cancelled my date with Kent. But Kent was a really understanding boyfriend since he just went to my house to hang out with me. 

Now, I am staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring. I really want to leave since I want to go home and rest. I think everyone relates that school is kind of exhausting. Right?


Finally! I quickly left the room and went straight to my locker. I saw a sticky note on my locker. It said: hey, sorry I forgot to tell you that I need to train and it's until 7 pm so I can't take you home but I already talked to Drew so he could be the one taking you home. -Kent 

I'm not in the mood  to go home with Drew since I know that Lana would be with him. I hate that girl a lot so that shouldn't be a problem, right? NO. 

I went out of the school and went straight to the parking lot. Drew's car was not there. Jackie doesn't have a car and I know that she already left. I can't text Drew to ask where he is since I don't have his phone number. I tried calling Kent but he was not answering so he's probably swimming. I called Jackie but it went straight to voicemail. I'm so lucky right now. Note the sarcasm.

I don't have any other choice so I went to the bus stop but on my way there, I saw the bus already leaving. Now, I need to walk since it is going to take so long if I wait for the next bus to come. 

As i was walking home, I saw my old school. It's called Sunshine Elementary school. This is where I met Drew, we were in fifth grade when we met each other. I remembered that he was such a cry baby when we were young. One time, I was walking when I heard someone crying inside a room. Since I am a very curious child, I went inside the room. I saw a boy crying, he was hiding his face so I don't know who he is. I walked towards him and I asked him if he was okay. He looked up and stared at me. He was so surprised that I was talking to him. He did not answer my question so I asked him again if he was okay. This time he just shook his head.

"What's the problem?" I asked him.

"My friends and I fought." he replied quietly.

"What happened? You can talk to me if you want." I said.

Ever since that day, we became friends. We were always hanging out. We always play at the playground. We even talk to each other on the phone. Those were the days when I got my first phone. He also got his first phone. We exchanged numbers and we always text each other. I was so happy to have him as my friend.

He was my first ever best friend who was a boy. My first ever text mate. My first ever crush. There I said it. I have a crush on him since fifth grade. 

I did not realize that I was already in front of my house. That was a great walk on memory lane. I entered my house and went straight to my room. I took a shower and wore some comfy clothes which are some sweats and a baggy shirt. I looked at the window and I saw Drew removing his shirt. He was so sweaty so he probably went out for a run. His abs were on display. I quickly looked away so he won't catch me staring at him. I closed my curtains so he won't see me.

I went to my bed and looked at my phone. There was a text from Kent.

Kent: Why did you call? Sorry I can't answer. Are you home yet?

Me: I walked home. Drew wasn't even waiting for me. 

He did not reply but I understand him because he is training for the competition that he has been waiting for ever since the start of the school year. I need to be a supportive girlfriend and just be there to understand and support him all the way until he reach his success. I know that he will also support me no matter what.


Thanks for reading!!! And sorry if I don't update regularly, but I promise that I'm going to update if you guys support me just like how Rachel supports Kent. :)))))))))))

This is dedicated to @Windywindmel because she was the first one to comment on my story! Yey! Thank you very much. 

Don't forget to Vote and Comment!

Lots of Love, Franchesca!!!

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