Chapter Two

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Dean rolled over on his bed, missing the warmth of his brother. His eyes hurt, thanks to crying himself to sleep last night. Just like every night.

Every night since Cas had died memories of him came crashing into Dean's head at a full force.

Like the first time he met Cas.

And the last time he saw him alive.

And the last time he saw him at all.

Over and over and over again, the good times and the bad replayed themselves like an old movie in Dean's head. A good movie. Like no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't look away from the screen for fear he might miss the most important part. Cas was dead, and it was his fault.

He couldn't help but blame himself for Lucifer, too. In a way, he was sure, that Lucifer's suicide had been partially his fault as well.

Cas and Lucifer were buried side by side. Sometimes Dean visited their graves. Dean knew very well Gabriel, once in a while Chuck, and even Sam also visited, but never at the same time as him.

Someone knocked on the door, sending a jolt of pain through Dean's skull. "Come in," he managed in a weak, croaky voice. His voice cracked a lot lately. He mostly yelled at the sky, yelled at God, and sometimes yelled at Lucifer. Sometimes he lost his voice completely.

Gabriel shuffled in, eyes dull. He wore an oversized sweatshirt with long sleeves. Dean worried about him in all honestly, but he would never let it show.

"What do you want?" Dean asked sharply. Gabriel flinched. Dean shoved away the twinge of guilt building in his stomach.

"Um, I-I- I wanted to know where S-Sam is...." Gabriel stared at the floor and fiddled his fingers.

Dean shrugged and rolled over. He buried his face in his pillow.  "I don't know where my brother is, now go away, I'm going back to sleep."

He heard the sound of footsteps slowly fade away. Sighing in relief he closed his eyes again. Sleep did sound good. But with sleep often came nightmares.

He was too tired to fight it. He drifted off without a sound.

I'll Be Fine- Sabriel AU- Texting You; Sequel.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora