Chapter Six

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So, peoplessssssssss, like I promised, I'll be posting more because I've decided I'll write a bit during school too. Shh. Also, sorry this is so short, I don't have very much inspiration right now... and it's like 12:00AM. On a school night.


Sam stared at the flickering candle set on the table. Reds and oranges danced in the corner of his eyes, until he finally looked up, meeting Gabriel's. "Dean told me about a therapist."

Gabriel scoffed. "I'm fine. I don't need a therapist. I hate them... especially, well, if you put a space between 'the' and 'r'-"

"The ra- yeah, okay, gotcha on that. But really Gabe, it wouldn't be so bad for you to get a little help. And I highly doubt any of them would ra-"

"Shut up. I know they wouldn't. But seriously.. I don't need help. I'm fine. I mean, for a while I felt like shit. But now that we're doing this- I actually feel better. Bring it up again if I start looking bad."

"Fine," Sam agreed hesitantly. Gabriel nodded and smiled. After a moment of silence, Sam jumped like a startled moose. The waitress had brought their meal.

I'll Be Fine- Sabriel AU- Texting You; Sequel.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat