Chapter Four

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Guys I'm so sorry, I'll try to post more often. I've been so busy though. I promise I'll try and post more often.

San stared at Dean, rubbing a hand over his eyes. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. What about you? You look like shit," Dean let out a weak chuckle.

"I'm just worried about you and Gabe. Gabriel's very jumpy, and he always looks tired. I don't want to loose him..."

Dean nodded in understanding. "Hey... ah, Sammy? There's something I need to tell you. It's really important."

Sam fidgeted in the the cafe booth. "What is it?" Worry flashed in his sparkling brown eyes.

"I..." Dean cleared his throat. "I've been going to a therapist. And usually I hate getting help, but... like, this guy- he's actually helpful. Maybe you should send Gabe to him, see if it helps?"

Sam knew full well that wasn't what Dean had actually wanted to tell him- but Sam wasn't about to push. Instead he just shook his head and nodded. "Okay, sure. Thanks for the meal, but I really need to go now."

"Bye, Sam.  Have fun trying to convince him."

Sam stood up and walked out of the cafe in a hurry. He was met by cold air the moment he opened the door, but it felt good against his warm face. The cafe had been nearly too hot.

Rubbing his hands together to keep them warm, Sam began walking down the streets.


When Sam got home, Metatron and Gabriel were sitting on the couch eating nachos and playing Until Dawn. Gabriel had a bright grin on his face, and for once he looked happy.

"SAMADO!" Gabriel cheered when he noticed Sam. He threw the PS4 controller down on the couch and ran over to his boyfriend.

Sam pulled  Gabriel into a tight hug. "Heya, Gabs. Hey, Metatron." Gabriel giggled a bit before pulling away.

"Sam, guess what!" Gabriel jumped up and down, from one foot to the other.

"What?" Sam asked as he pulled his coat off and set it on the rack.

"Tonight is our date! Did you forget?!"

"Of course not, silly." Sam pecked Gabriel's cheek. "Reservations for 7:00PM! It's only 2:00."

"I know! But I'm excited," Gabriel whined.

Metatron laughed. "Gabe, if you keep playing you'll pass the time faster."

"True!" Gabriel bounced back to the couch.

Sam was pleased to see Gabe so happy. It had been so long since he had seen a genuine smile light up on Gabriel's face.

I'll Be Fine- Sabriel AU- Texting You; Sequel.Where stories live. Discover now