The New Life ♥♥ epi 1

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Diamond: Y/n Diamond (18) && your very very beautiful , && you gotta best friend name Ayanna , Ayanna pretty to but she not prettier than you , y'all really close && y'all don't like a group of girls name omg girlz because they do the most all the time && not just even that , but the thing about you is that your kinda poor && you && your mom && Dad && your little sister (mom: Blac Chyna) (dad: Tyga ) (Sister: Chloe aka she's 5 && she always under you all the time) Btw You have a job at the mall but you only work for you && your little sis that's the reason you get motivated to work

Diamond Pov.

So I Walked in the house && I heard my mom && dad in the kitchen eating && once again they bought they self something but not me or my little sister , I know they low on money but still get you children something to eat to , so I just walked right past them without saying anything && made 2 peanut && jelly sandwiches for me && my little sis , I really loved my little sis she is my Minnie me I always dressed her like that was my daughter && I would always buy her self I would being her to the mall with me wear I work && let her go to a daycare/playing spot in the mall , that was mg heart I took care of her more than my parents did. So I Walked up stairs && saw my little sister on our bed we had to share crying , so I decided to walk in I walked in && ask her what's wrong && handed her one of the peanut butter && jelly sandwiches , she took it && said "thank you" in a soft crying voice , She said that she sick of being in the house with Mom && Dad Abusing Us && not feeding us she was tired , this is why I work because im saying up A LOT of money to buy a 2 bedroom apartment for me && my little sis I was going to give her self her own room && decorate it for her , because right now we living in this small ass 1 bed room apartment && den && its a hot mess , So I told my little sister what I was going to do for us , she was so happy && excited that she stopped crying && ate her sandwich , I smiled because if she happy im happy. * next day * Chloe come on get up for school we gotta go to school. she woke up looking sleepy as hell , I picked her up && shook her wake up sleepy head I said , She woke up all the way && I put on the new outfit I got from my job for her since I get free discounts on stuff. she was so happy she liked the new outfit. I put on my new outfit also I got for me im so happy I work at this store I said in my head. * Diamond walks Chloe to school && Diamond walks over across to the by stop waiting on the mta to go to work *....* At work today * I was so tired of going to this job ughh but i still slowly walked in , I walked around until I was ready to go in my job at 11:00 (a.m) so I walked past this store called "polo Ralph Lauren" I walked in && looked around , as I was walking I kept seeing this very cute sexy attractive boy stare at me I looked away && finished looking around of course I looked in the kids section for Chloe lol. As I was walking out they very cute attractive boy came up to me && said how you doing beautiful , he introduced his self && said his name was

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