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Diomonds Pov.

I just knew that little girl was his little sister they look just alike , so when I got in Leaah && Chloe started screaming && hugging each other in the back seat  , Justin looked confused as hell he was like y'all know each other they both said YES , i started laughing because I knew they knew each other , he said oh && he started laughing too , so we drove off && pulled up to tgi Friday's I was surprised && happy because how did he know I was hungry ? but I am hungry though , so he was like y'all ready to eat && We all said yes I definitely said yes because I was hungry , so we all got out && walked into the restaurant , it smelled so good when walked in , we all got a good seat because Justin showed the lady something that he was a celebrity son && she led us to a nice seating area , we sat down && a waitress came over && took what we wanted to drink , she walked away && came back with our drinks fast , I started drinking my Pepsi because I was so thirsty , Do y'all  like the life tall living , Chloe screamed no but not very loud , I said hell no && my face turned red , he asked why && we told him all the thing we been through && going through now , he shaked his head && asked us a shocked surprising question !

The New Life ♥♥Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt