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Diamond Pov.

Justin Asked Us Did We Want To Move With Him From Miami to Atlanta He said that it was going to be a big ass house like a mansion && he would get me my car && a job down there , Chloe was like say yes Diamond Say Yes ,  I didnt know what to say at first , like what was I going to say ? I said I will think about it , he smiled && said okay , the waitress came over there && asked us what we wanted to eat , we order what we wanted && the lady came  back fast with our food && gave us all refills && we ate , the food was so good , && we was talking good && Leah && Chloe Was Talking && laughing. I looked at the time && it was 9:45 , we was all done our food ready to leave , we was heading out && Justin paid the bill && left a big ass tip , I was like DAMN ! , so we left out && got in the car. I just got this nasty mean disgusted text from my parents (both) I was ready to cry actually I did a little , I just didn't want Justin To See , So I answered his question I said Yes To Him , He was happy && So was Chloe && Leah , they was excited && so elated , I was kinda happy to because im like this is a new life for Us !

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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