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Diamond Pov.

Me && Chloe just walked in the house && this is another time where Mom && Dad Have gone out to eat && didn't even bother to wait OR bring us something back ugh when They get in here I have so words for them because im sick of them *3 hours past && mom && dad are arriving* MOM .... DAD did y'all get us something to eat ? No Mom said && Dad started laughing , Why we up in here hungry once again && y'all haven't bought us shit , wtf you think you cussing at Diamond? Y'ALL BECAUSE Y'ALL ALWAYS IN HERE GETTING Y'ALL SOMETHING TO EAT && BUYING Y'ALL HELLA NEW SHIT && A LOT MORE BUT   Y'ALL  NEVER GET SHIT FOR ME OR CHLOE Y'ALL LAID DOWN && HAD US Y'ALL NEED TO STEP UP && TAKE CARE OF US. all I see is a hand go across my face it was my mom abusing my once again but this Time I wasn't having it I fought her back I started grabbing my mom slinging her everywhere I started punching her && everything my dad came breaking it up asking my mom was she Areed but mom was just in here beating me up bad because I came out && expressed how me && my little sis felt. So I decided to

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