Big suprise

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Recently on time travel:

"Well as I was saying every night Lily was over my mom would have to heat up milk cause she can't sleep" Lily stuck her tongue out at Rowan.

"Can I now tell them who my parents are?" Everyone nodded.

"My parents are..."


It was Ginny
"Oh come on, you wanted to know in the first place" James exclaimed

"I know who it is"

She exited the room and Ron being the stupid git he is he yelled after her "who is it it's not like it's you!"

Harry shook his head and replied, "mate you should never ever say that to someone who is more powerful than you."

Ron looked at Harry and scoffed "SHE is not more powerful than ME!"

Harry nodded and replied "yes she is and don't complain about it" Ron was about to retort but James interrupted him.

"Alright, so my parents are(drum roll please) Harry Potter and...GINNY WEASLEY!" Harry's mouth was agape, Molly was excited, Dumbledore Arthur, Remus, and Sirius had a knowing look, Ron looked like he could kill, and Hermione looked triumphant.

Sorry for such a small chapter

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