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My grade 8 teacher told me I wouldn't make it to high school.
I would clean dishes for a living, he said.
Only the smart ones can survive in this world, he said.
The smart ones were the ones who passed trigonometry and algebra.
Was my intelligence worth X and Y?
I found X and Y and passed though.
By luck.
And by coping.
Apparently I had to also know the countries involved in world war 1
How world war 2 ended
When Hitler died
The colonization period
The Renaissance

I only went to school because mom and dad told me so.
Not because I wanted to.
But because I was forced to.
I'm not saying school is irrelevant but I didn't remember anything I learnt from it.
I never understood what the teachers taught.
They called me dense and proceeded teaching the smart students.
They made me hate education.
I was an example of a failure.
I was criticized at parent-teachers meeting by both parties.

I couldn't debate, draw, cook or sing.
I had no life skills whatsoever.

Fuck it though.

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