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~Imagine: Your at home. Outside it's raining like crazy. A storm is on its way. Your sitting by the window telling your little sisters a story so they would go to sleep when your dog starts barking at a car that pulled into your driveway. You go outside to see who it is and you are confronted by a black convertible. A man gets out. You instantly recognise him as David Bryan the keyboard player from Bon Jovi. He comes up to you and asks for directions you insist that he stay the night because the storm was so fierce. He finally gives in and comes inside. ~

It was a stormy night. My sisters hadn't yet fallen asleep, it was times like these when I missed Mum and Dad the most. I read my sisters The Tale of the Three Brothers from Harry Potter until they fell asleep. Then I sat over by the window holding my warm cup of tea in my hands hoping the storm would let up.

Suddenly Jasper -my dog- started barking and I heard a car pull into the driveway. Our house was the only house for a while and it was small with only three beds and a broken pull out coach.

I went outside to see who had come and why. Outside was a very expensive looking black convertible. A man came out wearing a black jumper and blue jeans. I instantly recognise his blonde hair and body build. It was David Bryan, Bon Jovi's keyboardist. I stared open-mouth and wide-eyed at him.

"Hi! Umm, this may sound really dumb but could you tell me where I am? And how to get to Melbourne from here?"

"It's not dumb! Here come on out of the rain!" I said pulling him under the canopy.

"Thanks." He said. There were drops of rain dripping off his face and hair. He was good looking even if he was soaked.

"Okay." I said shining a torch onto the map he had. "Your here." I said pointing to a small green area. I got out a pen and paper from inside and wrote down the directions to get to Melbourne.

"Are you sure you don't want to come inside and wait till the rain dies down?" I asked.

"Nah it's okay. Thanks for the directions."

"No! I insist! It's raining heavily and a storm is coming. It's too dangerous to drive. Especially at night."

"It's okay."

"No it isn't! Please! I beg you, don't drive in this weather." David sighed and then smiled.

"Okay." He said. "Thank you"

"No problem." I said leading him inside. "You must be quiet though, my sisters are sleeping." I whispered.

"The fold out couch is broken, but you can sleep in my parents bed."

"Where do you sleep?"

"I usually sleep on the fold out couch." I said handing him a pair of my fathers pj's that I though would fit. "I'll probably sleep on the floor in one of my sisters rooms." I said shrugging. It didn't really matter to me.

"No. I can't take a bed from you! let me sleep on the floor!"

"Now why would I let David Bryan the famous keyboardist sleep on the floor?" I asked. "And anyway, if you don't sleep in the bed I'd be offended."

"At least sleep on the other side of the bed!" He insisted.

I looked at him oddly.

"Come on. I don't snore or anything, and it's your bed anyway!"

"Fine." I said secretly happy inside. "When I sleep I usually stay huddled to one side so you won't have any fan girl trouble from me." I laughed quietly, then went out to get into my pj's.

When I returned David was lying in bed with my father's pj's on. I hopped into bed on the other side an curled up ready to sleep.

"Thank you." David whispered.

"No problem." I replied. Then I fell asleep.


I woke up early in the morning. I tried to turn but a body was blocking me. Then I remembered David, who at the time was busy sleeping with an arm clutching me to him. I tried to wiggle out but he had me trapped. He suddenly shifted and lifted his arm off me.

"I. am. so. sorry!" He gushed.

I laughed at his embarrassment.

"It's okay. We can't control what we do in our sleep. It was nice anyway." I said laughing.

"I best be going." He said.

"I insist that you have breakfast!" I demanded. "This is my house and you leave when I say you leave! Which is after breakfast!"

"But what about your parents? What would they say about a strange man in their daughters bed?" He asked.

"Their dead."

He looked up at me shocked.

"II'm sorry."

"It's okay! You didn't know." I said trying to be cheerful. David got up and hugged me, which was surprising.

"Better?" He asked.

"Much." I replied. "Come on! You Sir are to be treated to a feast!" I laughed pulling at his arm till he followed. I then pushed him into a chair at the table.

I pulled out a frypan and begun cooking. My sisters came bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen. They sat at the table forks at the ready to eat. Then they noticed David.

"Are you Lizzie's new boyfriend?" Layla asked. I dropped the spoon I was holding.

David coughed.

"No. I'm just visiting!"

"But your wearing Daddy's pj's and you slept in the same bed!" Milah giggled.

I choked on my coffee. David looked up at me smiling.

I then shoved plates under Layla, Milah and David's noses and they all dug in.

"That's what I thought." I said while washing the dishes. As soon as the girls finished they bounded away to brush their teeth.

"Sorry about them. Sticking their noses where they don't belong."

"It's okay. I don't mind. Under any other circumstance I would have came to the same conclusion."

"You pig." I laughed, pushing him mockingly.

"I'm kidding."

"Wise ass."

"Why thank you." He said. Then he left to change.

I changed and then came out. David was scribbling away in a piece of paper. He handed it to me. It had a phone number, e-mail and signature.

I squealed and hugged him.

"Thank you."

"No. Thank YOU!" He said. Then he said goodbye to the girls and left for Melbourne.

~Imagines-Bon Jovi~Where stories live. Discover now