Let It Go {Part1}

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~Your married to the talented David Bryan of Bon Jovi you can't even step out of the house unless you want to be attacked by paparazzi. You get allot of hate mail and your just sick of it~

David and I stood just outside of the recording studio which I was to help him record his first solo album. He whispered something funny to me and chuckled, but I couldn't hear because I was way too paranoid, looking behind me every few seconds incase the media was following.

"Babe, it's okay, no one's here." He whispered with a frown. But he spoke too soon.

A red car rolled past slowly and before I knew it a strawberry milkshake was hitting my head and dripping down my face.

"Take that you slut!" The milkshake thrower yelled. I pushed back the tears as the shake dripped onto my shirt.

I felt a slight breeze as the space next to me was suddenly empty. Wiping off the shake I watched as David approached the car furious.

Allot of furious shouting and a phone call later the police arrived. The people weren't charged with anything but they were really shaken up judging by the looks on their faces once David had finished talking to them.

He returned to my side and we got in the car and returned home.

Once home I ran to the bathroom and shed my milk sodden clothes an washed my face vigorously until I was all clean of the shake -excluding my hair- I jumped in the shower and tried to scrub the humiliating memory from my brain.

After I had failed to erase the humiliation I gave up and hopped out of the shower and got changed.

"Babe?" I heard David ask as I walked into the kitchen.

"You alright?" He asked approaching me and gently wrapping his strong arms around me.

I practically melted into his chest as I groaned a little.

"Just a little shook up and tired, that's all." I murmured. He replied by squeezing me a little tighter and then kissing my forehead.

"It's alright babe, just don't let it get to you." He whispered as he dragged me over to the piano.

He sat me down, before then taking a seat himself just beside me. His fingers hovered just above the keys as he though of what to play. I beat him to it and play the first few chords for the song he had been working on for his new musical called Memphis.

He smiled and joined in, playing the left hand side of the piano.

He opened his mouth and the most awe inspiring voice crept out. I loved David's singing almost more than I loved life itself. The way his voice rolled around to fill the whole room with a warm comforting sound.

But of course I loved him so much more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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