Chapter Three

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The ride to Harmony was long, but I didn't mind. I was just thinking about the place I called hell and that I was now out and away from it.

Cooper walked into the area. "We're preparing for landing." He told us.

I felt the plane start a descent through a atmosphere, probably Harmony's. Cooper walked over to me, but didn't sit down. His face was distance as if he was deep in thought.

I felt a the plane hit ground and stop. I undid then straps and got up. A child a few seat away was having trouble unstrapping himself. I tested my leg and figure it was good, so I went over to him and helped him out. He got out of the seat with little trouble, but as soon at he hit the ground he must have been too tired and fell. I picked him up and carried him out of the plane.

He fell asleep in my arms. Cooper came up beside me. "Looks like your leg is fine. But how is that?" He asked me, studying my face for a lie.

"I'm use to being hurt, so I tend to heal faster." I relied casually and shrugged. "And where do I put him? I think he lost his parents." I told Cooper.

"Uh I'll just show you. So you don't have to know directions." He said and began toward a building. It must be a hospital of some sorta. Cooper lead me through many hallways and some stairs before coming to a room. He knocked lightly. There was a faint 'come in' on the other side before we walked in.

The room was definitely for children. Most the room was painted white but there were wallpaper cartoons running along everywhere. "Ah set him right here." Said a lady, behind a counter. I was hesitant, but put him on the chair as told. "He'll be fine."

Cooper showed me where to go next. "I'll be back I promise." He told me. But I didn't understand why he wanted to come back and help me it's as if he could see the good in myself that I could not.

"Hello, my name is Doctor M. It's very nice to meet you what is your name?" The doctor in the room asks with a big smile.

"Skylar....Skylar Guthrie." I told her. She asked me more of personal information. Like for example my birthday.

"Ok Skylar how long his it been since you have have seen a doctor?" She asked, I shrugged. "Do you know what I'm going to ask you to do?" I nodded. I stood up and took off my clothes except for my bra and underwear. I knew they were going to examine my body. And I was going to hate this part.

She looked me up and down. "Oh dear." She whispered. "Skylar, how did you get all these scars?" She asked me.

"I-I...I went through intense torture...daily." I told her.

"Why don't you take a shower? Your covered in dirt." She pointed to where to the showers are and then went to her computer to type of me.

I walked to the shower area. There was only one shower so I didn't have a choice to which. Everything was covered in white tiles and next to the entrance of the shower was a small white plastic table with a towel, brush, and soap from hair and body on top. I turned the shower on to warm. I took off my clothes and waited a minute or so before jumping in.

The water was warm against my skin. I could see the dirt come off my skin as the water fell onto me. I started to clean my body with the soaps. I had always dreamed of getting out and taking a real shower. But I didn't imaged it feeling so good.

I could have stay in there for hours, but decided 15 minutes was good enough. I'll just take another longer one another time. I took the towel and dried myself with it and wrapped it around me, then brushed my short brown, boyish-looking hair. I stepped out of the shower onto the cold tiles.

There was a mirror across the room that I hadn't noticed before. I allowed for the towel to unravel. I could see the scars along my body. I looked at the burn on my leg. Shifter. Is what it said and that's what they label me as, but I don't know why they waited so long to put it on my skin. Or as 7428, my experiment number which was also burned into my skin on my arm.

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