Chapter Seventeen

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The trees in this area were much denser than in areas we have walked through before. I wasn't that much bigger than normal titans. Just more armor.

Cooper and I stayed in the back of the group, looking for enemies that tried to surprise us. "I found a radio transmission that doesn't sound good for either of us." Elite said to me. "I am recording it to review for later."

"Ok, thanks Elite." I said.

"Does anyone else need to piss?" A pilot asked.

"Oh that's good for you, Cob." Cooper radioed. "Can't you ever hold it?"

"All right, we'll stop by that stream." Briggs told us before anything else could be said and pointed to a small and slow flowing stream.

I realized that all the pilots, besides me are male and they all gathered a little ways down stream. I on the other hand went to Briggs and Cooper followed me. "Briggs, Elite said he recorded some transmission about him and I." I told her.

"Alright let's see it." She said.

I looked up to Elite. He knelt down and played the recording. "This is doctor 7274. I have figured it out, but I need more blood from her, 7428. Pretty much every bit of it and it has to be fresh for it to work to the fullest. And once I'm done with her, we could trade for the titan, Elite Class 7428. I was thinking about doing another experiment. But I need time and the shifter. You must hurry. Doctor 7274 out." The recording cut off from there.

I noticed that each time the doctor said 7274, Cooper seemed to hate him even more. Maybe it was because of BT 7274. I've read about him and BT and about what happened. Pretty crazy if you ask me.

"This ain't even halfway done with either of us." I commented. I shook my head. I just wanted them to be done with me, cause I'm sure as hell done with them.

"I suspect them want your abilities or the Alpha Cure and Vaccine, but I do not even have an idea of what they would do for another experiment." Elite shared.

"Then they'll put my abilities into someone else so they could become as strong as me. So they can get you back and you'll be their titan." I continued.

"Well we're not letting that happen." Cooper said. "However this doctor is, he's pretty dumb to think that we'll give either of you up that easy."

"Yes, but it means there going to hit us with everything they've got to get them. Her more importantly." Briggs said to Cooper.

"But we'll protect her right?" Cooper asked.

I answered before Briggs this time. "You may, but what about them?" I asked pointing at the other pilots. "They don't need to risk their lives for me. A person they don't even know." I opposed.

Cooper went silent, along with Briggs. "Yeah, we don't know you. But you're a fellow pilot and don't leave someone behind." The pilot must have heard us talking and one of them answered. I think it was Jackson, guessing by the voice.

Cooper stood a little taller. "See?"

I shook my head. "Oh shut up Cooper." I told him and punched him in the arm. He held his arm and gave me a hurtful face. I shook my head again and turned to Elite. "Are we able to track that transmission?" I asked him.

"Well I can't, but you can. I still have the laptop." He said and opened up.

I jumped in and found the laptop, securely attached to the wall. I jumped back out and sat down. The laptop I stole from the IMC and somehow they didn't find it. I opened it up and everything was still there. "Sweet, thanks Elite." I said. "Can you transfer the recording and radio you got the recording from onto here?"

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