Chapter Seven

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"I cannot believe you!" Lily shouted at me. "So you come back from hell and you want to go back!"

"Lily I know it sounds crazy-" I could barely talk to her without her cutting me off. I knew she would be pissed when I told her I was going back.

"Crazy? No it's insane Sky! Insane!" I screamed, cutting me off. Luna ran out of the room because of Lily's screaming.

"Lily wait-"

"No don't tell me to wait! You should be waiting! You were only here for like a day!" She did have a point.

"Lily just listen to me." She calmed and took in deep breaths. "Lily when my brother died in front of me. I promised him I will do whatever it takes."

She was still tense but her emotion changed from anger to sad. She started to cry. "I thought I lost you, Sky, and now I have. But if you go back there is a great risk and I could lose you forever. I don't know if I can deal with that."

I brought her into a hug. "I promise. I'll come back. Cause I have a secret weapon on my side." I smiled at her. "I'll tell you what it is. But you have to calm down and promise not to tell no one."

She nodded. "I promise not to tell anyone."

"Ok don't get freaked out either." She nodded again. "Ok so I am a shifter." Her head tilted in confusion. "I can shift into a type of animal, living, dead, and imaginary."

She crossed her arms. "Seriously Sky, that's the best you got."

"Ok what's your favorite animal? Anyone kind?" I asked her.

She pondered on with to say. "How about a dragon?" She answered.

I groaned this one took more energy. "Alright. Let's go outside." I told her.

She followed me outside. I stepped into the grass and she stayed on the patio still crossing her arms. A smirk appeared on her face, she must have thought she won this one.

I shook out my arms and inhaled deep steady breaths. I thought of which dragon to chose, a purple one who was small and extremely fast, and released that dragon into me. My body started to shift and change. This shift didn't hurt at all. I love shifting into dragons, but only when I had the energy to.

Stood up straight in this form. I looked at my few form. Purple and violet scales that travel my entire body and larger black scales on my under portion of my body. My wings were as big as my body but I folded them.

Lily's jaw dropped and she tried to back up and hold on to something but fell to the ground. She kept her eyes on me the entire time. I wasn't that big in this form. As tall as a human and as wide as a human, but I was as long as a average car.

I quickly shifted back to human. "See now do you believe me?" I questioned her.

She slowly got up. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I laughed and shrugged. "Can I be you?" She asked and smiled. We both laughed. She let Luna outside.

Luna ran up to me and jumped on me. "Hey why don't we go snowboarding?" Then looked at Lily and rolled my eyes. "Or skiing?" I hoping to get one day with just Lily, I guess Luna could come with, and have a great time before I leave.

Lily nodded. "Yeah do it! Wait is Luna coming?" She asked. I've seen dogs on the slopes before that weren't avalanche dogs or other dogs used by parole, so I think Luna could come.

"Yeah why not?" I told her and them said, "alright let's get the stuff together and go!"


The slopes were great. It powdery and soft. I gave Luna some very thick socks, so her feet wouldn't get too cold. She also got some googles for the wind and snow and a sled for going downhill on the runs. I quickly screwed in some things into the sled for her feet so she could stay in the sled easier. I told her that she had to lean to turn and to completely turn it sideways, but still tilted so she wouldn't flip, to completely stop it.

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