Chapter Eighteen

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I woke with Cooper still wrapped around me and I was still in wolf form. I slowly shifted back to human and carefully got out of Cooper's arms and got up. It was a little light out, so it was hard to see. But I used my shifter abilities to see better.

I walked to where the other pilots were, they were still all asleep. I looked up and saw Briggs awake and walking down to the stream. I quickly caught up with her. "Anyone else awake?" She asked quickly.

I shook my head. "You sure about this?" I asked hesitantly.

She paused and took in a deep breath. "Well honestly, I'm not sure at all. But this is the best we've come up with and if we don't make a move now. I don't think we'll ever be able to." I nod, understanding that it's all we got.

I walked away for Briggs and the stream and to Elite. "Good morning Guthrie." He said to me, he was sitting on the ground.

"Good morning to you too." I said and sat down beside him. I looked at his electric blue eye. "You seem nervous." I observed.

"Yes I am. I do not have a good feeling about this and I don't think you do either." He admitted and looked at my blue eyes.

"It will be find. We'll get out of this." I said, but I think I was comforting myself rather than Elite.

"Yeah, I hope you're right pilot." He said, looking away from me. We sat there in silence for a long time. I didn't know what to say, he knew that I didn't trust this plan and I knew he didn't either.

"How do you wake up that early? That's insane." Romonide walked up to me.

I laughed. "I'm a morning person, what can I say?"

"Ugh. Are all girls like that?" He asks.

"No, no, no way." I thought of how lily could sleep all day if she could. "Is everyone up?" I ask him.

"Yeah just about. I don't know where Cooper is though." He said.

"Right here." Cooper came up behind us. He looked like he was still asleep.

"Morning sleepy head." I laughed. "Go splash some water on yourself."

"I'm too lazy." He said and sat down.

I raised an eyebrow. "Ok fine." I grabbed my water bottle from my belt and squirted some on him.

I bet the water was cold, because immediately sat straight up. "Wow thanks." Now he was awake. He ran a hand threw his hair and shook his head.

I smiled at him. "You're welcome." I told him and drink some water. "Do you want any?"

"Yeah." He said. I handed him the bottle, but instead of drinking it, he squirted some on me.

I was expecting this. "Ahh refreshing. Thanks." I told the bottle back from him. He glared at me and shook his head.

"Alright everyone lets get going." Briggs shouted.

I got up and felt water on my arm. I turned to look at Cooper, but he didn't even have anything in his hands. I realized it was rain. Oh great, I would say we wouldn't be able to tracked, but the people looking for us are too stupid to do that.

I jumped in my titan along with everyone else. We started to walk west. The stream was getting bigger with all the rain. I was behind Cooper as we were crossing the river.

I think with all the weight, the land couldn't keep still. The land started to slide, causing me to fall and life along with the land. Cooper grabbed my titan's hand before I could fall farther down.

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