December 25

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~~ Time skip : December 25~~

Cocomonkey: *wakes up* Ahh!!! Its Christmas! Im super excited.Later,my friends will come here and party! (/cheer) now I better change to my winter clothes xD

After changing~~

Aliza: Coco! Breakfast is almost done,better come down here.

Cocomonkey: Okay,coming!

At the Dining table~

Cocomonkey: Whats for Breakfast mom?

Aliza: Egg with bacon. 😊

Cocomonkey: Okay.

Aliza: Excited for later's party?

Cocomonkey: Yep! 😃

Aliza: Now start your day with a delicious breakfast! *Puts breakfast at table*

Cocomonkey: *Smells the food* Ahhh...NOW GET IN MAH STOMACH

Aliza: Haha.

After eating~~

Cocomonkey: Hmm,mom,can I go to the mall? I'll buy ingredients and gift boxes because I'll give my friends some Cookies.

Aliza: Sure,just be careful!

Cocomonkey: Okay!

At the Mall~~

Cocomonkey: Hmm,I should bake my friends AMAZING cookies and give it to them later...

After getting ingredients (At home)~~

Cocomonkey: Hi mom! Im back.

Aliza: That was quick.

Cocomonkey: 😂 Anyways,mom,can you help me bake the Cookies?

Aliza: Sure!

Cocomonkey: Then we will put it inside the cookies inside this box with a big red bow 😊

Aliza: Okay,lets start baking!

After Baking~~

Cocomonkey: *Counting the boxes with cookies inside* For Squiggy,for Bocarida and lastly for...Wicker10...

Aliza: I'm sure your friends will love theses Cookies as gifts!

Cocomonkey: Yeh,they sure will!

Aliza: Just hope you gave them all the invitation.

Cocomonkey: I did.

Aliza: Okay.I'll take a rest now,dont be noisy.

Cocomonkey: I wont

*Aliza goes in her bedroom and sleeps*

Cocomonkey: Hmm I'll write a letter for each of them,that will make them happier! I think...

*Cocomonkey gets all the gifts to her room and writes a letter behind it*

Cocomonkey: And------ done! Hope they like it ^.^

[Dropster called Cocomonkey]

DropsteR: Hello,Is this Cocomonkey?

Cocomonkey: Uhh y-yes! who is this?

DropsteR: Im DropsteR ._.

Cocomonkey: ohh

DropsteR: Btw the party is starting on 5:00??

Cocomonkey: Yep.

DropsteR: Ohh thx! Btw my gift for you is something you really like.

Cocomonkey: Ooo I wonder what it is =O

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