Chapter 1

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I woke up from the blinding sun shimmering through the window. Half awake, half asleep, my eyes slowly started blinking open. I gave out a big, long yawn then turned around on the other side of the bed and found Ayato still asleep. His handsome face kept me staring as he breathes in and out. We were so close I could count every hair on his eyebrows.

"Ayato, it's time to get up," I said in attempt to wake him up. He doesn't move. I repeat my words and his reaction was still the same. Then I look at the clock and saw that there was still time so I decided to give him more time to rest.

I started getting up, wanting to make him breakfast before he woke up. But before I could leave the bed, an arm grabbed my wrist and I'm pulled into an embrace. Was Ayato awake all along? I tried to look up but his chin kept me from doing so. "More time," he whispers.


"Five more minutes."
His sleepy voice sounded so soothing I couldn't stop smiling. It had been about two years since I've moved in with him but even just little things like Ayato's sleepy voice kept my heart racing. "You need to go to work early right? At least let me make you breakfast," I told him. But Ayato's arms only wrapped around me harder. "Come on, you'll be hungry when you go to work on an empty stomach. And you tend to work through lunch at times so let me make you breakfast," I pressed.
Ayato's arms loosens and I take that in as if he's telling me fine. But just as I'm about to leave his embrace, the squeeze tightens again and he pecks a kiss on my forehead. I blush and Ayato chuckles as if he could see me even with his eyes closed. Without another word, I quickly leave the room and head towards the kitchen before he could stop me.
Ten minutes later, Ayato shows up in his working outfit and settles down for the breakfast I had prepared and we start eating. "You look stiff today, are you okay? You're not overworking yourself right?" I asked him when I noticed the little change in the way he was sitting.

"Please, if anyone did that, it'd be you." I made a face at his comment. "I'm fine, but I wish I had more sleep these days," he tells me. I let out a sigh. "It's must hard being CEO, I'd never be able to do the works you do."

"Good thing you don't, you'd be dead by now if you did what I did."

"Being a pastry chef is good enough work for me."
"If I was a basketball player," Ayato sighs. "It'd be a whole different world."
I remembered back at our childhood times at how much Ayato had longed to become a basketball player from the moment he dribbled a ball. During middle school, he started setting his goal on that dream and became one of the best players when he got to high school. But during the high school times, on our last year, Ayato's father made it impossible for him to obtain the dream he had wanted. Ayato tried to neglect his father's reasons but it couldn't be helped. It was the only way for me and Ayato to be together without the interference of his father.
So he gave up his dream to be with me. At times, I had blamed myself for having him make such a decision but Ayato always assured me and smiled through it all. He was brave and very hard working and those features never left his side, neither did I. And I was glad for that.
"But being a CEO isn't a bad thing anymore," he looked up at me when he said that, as if knowing I was recalling his basketball dreams. "I get to help out the world with such power. I wouldn't be able to do that if I was a basketball player," he said with a smile on his face.
I smiled back. "Then I'm glad you're having those thoughts. You used to always complain about being CEO. I don't get to hear those complaints anymore." Ayato scoffs and made a face after hearing my comment. "I should go now, don't want to be late for the meeting," he says and starts getting up. I rose from my seat and walked behind him to send him off. Ayato puts on his shoe and I realize something off about his tie.
"Wait, your tie's crooked." I reached up to him and fixed his tie. "Well aren't you cute? How about a goodbye kiss?" He insists. My hands laid on his shoulders and I tiptoed up to his height to gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Ayato smiled in satisfaction. "You used to always be shy about these things, now you're not even hesitating," he jokes.
"That's because I wasn't used to us living together," I say in defense of myself.
Ayato chuckles as if he was recalling those times. "Well, see you later wifey." And before I could say something at that, he's out of the door and I find myself blushing really hard.

"Shay, have you been in touch with Arisa?" Harumi asks me as we were both in the kitchen working on our own pastries. "That girl seems to be on a vacation rather than a business trip," I answer with a chuckle and Harumi joins in with the comment.
About just weeks ago, my best friends Arisa and Tsubaki were to go on a business trip for being hairstylists. Tsubaki couldn't go because of her mother's health so she stayed back while Arisa took that chance. The trip would only last a month but without Arisa around, it was a quieter atmosphere and we all missed her, especially her boyfriend Takuma.
"I miss our high school times," Harumi sighs. "We were so carefree."
"Yui-senpai is possibly still working there."
"I never imagined her to become a teacher when I first heard of the news. What about Yamato? Have you been in touch with him?"
Yamato became a world popular chef throughout his years of working. "He works nearly everyday, we haven't been in touch for about a year now," I told her. We then start recalling memories of our high school times and sometimes even added a bit of middle school. So many things had happened to all of us and our careers were soaring higher and higher each passing months.
If I was back in my high school times now, I'd never be able to see myself working side by side with Harumi or see Ayato as a successful business man—even us living together. But now that we were here, I couldn't imagine a life without him. The world around us will look different, it would be different. Our friendship and love life could never grow apart and we needed each other more than anything else. And the previous years made it possible for us to grow closer and learn our faults but good features along with it.
I then got a text, distracting me from the talk with Harumi. I check it and saw that it was a text from Ayato and find myself smiling at that.

'When does your work end?' It said. I texted back saying in thirty minutes or so.

'I'll pick you up. Let's go on a date.'

The text sends me smiling like crazy. It had been so long since me and Ayato had a date so I couldn't wait. That whole thirty minute was going to tick so long because all I would be thinking about was me and Ayato finally going on a date after weeks of his nonstop work.

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