Chapter 9

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If there was one day I felt so proud of for my best friend, it would be this day.

"Will you marry me?"

Just those four words reminded me that we weren't teenagers anymore. We were fully grown adults ready to build a family with the person we loved. Every girl dreams about this day. How their guy will propose, when and where. And to Arisa, it was a dream come true.

The tears she had awaiting from the second Takuma knelt down had all been swimming out. I couldn't contain my happiness either, neither did Tsubaki. Our best friend was getting married! How could we not be happy for her? We were so happy and proud that our tears came down instantly the second we saw Arisa's. These were the kinds of tears you loved. Ones you hope to never end. Perhaps it was because things like this don't come often.

And of course Arisa said yes. In fact, she couldn't let go of her arms that wrapped around Takuma. She was so happy but embarrassed crying in front of the rest of us.
I looked over to Ayato and our eyes met. Maybe our day will come soon, maybe I'll have to wait a little longer. No matter what, I know I love him even if I have to wait just a little while longer. Because I need him. I need him in my life. I couldn't imagine a life without him, where would I be now if we had never met? Just a simple question like that could get so complicated when thinking about it.

But at the same time of my happiness, I felt scared. Scared that we may have to let go of each other's hands and go our own way. That's what happens in every drama. The two lovers separates, but in the end, they end up with a happily ever after.

And I knew so well that not every relationship was perfect. They had to go through the tough times together otherwise their chemistry wouldn't be as good as how it should be.

But the process is hard. I know because me and Ayato had to go through a separation during our high school times. What if it happens again? And what if it's not because of a fight or someone dragging us apart? What if it's our own decision? Perhaps to save the other one? Or maybe that's what we think. We think breaking up may be a good thing, to relieve the stress of the others because we think we're the ones dragging them down.

That's how stupid we can be at times. Because the truth is, we're the ones who makes the other person's life better. But sometimes we refuse to listen and make a horrible mistake. But when things are meant to be, it'll all come back into place. And our lives will be living a happily ever after...til the day we die and have to let go of our hands for the last time.

In the end, everyone has to let go of their lover's hands. But in the end, no one can separate them because in the end, we love each other despite the rough times. And those happiness we once shared gathers in our memories...

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