Chapter 10

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"You look down," the guy I met before commented with observance when I came to give him the coffee he had ordered.

"Well aren't you a mind reader?" I rolled my eyes before sighing sadly. He was right though, because those past few days weren't that great with the fact that Ayato was starting to always leave home. And for some reason it seemed like he was never home.

"Aren't employees supposed to treat their customers with kindness? Is this how you treat everyone?" Genya raised a brow at my retort.

"I'm sorry, things have just been a bit complicated these days," I immediately apologized with a bow. "I shouldn't had taken it out on you."

"Is it that boyfriend of yours?" He asked.

I turned my head to look at my surrounding, afraid I wouldn't have the time to just chat while I was working. But once seeing that the store wasn't that busy, I turned my attention back to Genya. "I shouldn't be complaining. He's a CEO after all," I admitted.

"Being a CEO is a tough job," Genya nodded in agreement.

"It's just, complicated you know?" I said, biting my lower lip as I started venting on. "I've never really had this problem with him being a CEO, but now I'm starting to worry about our lack of time with each other. He's been pretty distant and has been working late hours these past days."

"And you want his company again?" I nodded at his question. "Did you tell him that?"

"Of course not."

"And why not?"

"He's a CEO, I don't want my feelings to get in the way of his work." I averted my gaze with Genya as I said that.

"That's what they all say," Genya sighed. "I don't think you'll get in his way. In fact, I believe he's probably needing your company as well. Being CEO can be very stressful, sometimes they don't take breaks because of over working themselves too much. And because of that, he'll need the person he loves now more than ever."

I took in his words and started to relate it with my knowledge on those dramas you see in every show. Genya was right. Instead of the continuous worrying I kept having, I should maybe had talked to Ayato about it. Because I knew worrying wasn't going to solve its own problems.

And perhaps Ayato did needed my company as well. He had always been a hard worker, sometimes more than ever. And I was starting to worry a lot about his health. If he was eating well. Or getting enough rest. So that was when I decided that that night when Ayato came back home, would be the time to sort things out.

"You're right." My mood suddenly switched with confidence. "I'll talk to him tonight," I decided. "Thank you Mr. Suzuki," I bowed to him in thanks before excusing myself to go back to work.

It was surprising to hear that he knew much about CEO problems with over working, but I never did asked him about why and how he knew since my mind was set with Ayato.

But that night, Ayato never came home.

[12:42 a.m]Shay: Hey, it's already midnight. Are you alright? Please don't overwork yourself and don't ware yourself out. I'm worried. I know work can get tough but please watch out for your health.

[12:43 a.m]Shay: I miss you. Come home soon, Ayato.

[12:43 a.m]Shay: Love you 😘

[12:44 a.m]Shay: I want to wait but I have work early tomorrow—well, today, so I'll go to bed.

[12:45 a.m]Shay: Take care of yourself.

[12:45 a.m]Shay: Goodnight Love.

[12:45 a.m]Shay: 😘😴💤💙💜

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