Before the Start

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We sat in the altar, and waited for the time as the walked down the isle. We sat third from the front. I looked at my sister as she was saying her vows. As well my ex, he looked happy. Then I started thinking about me and Daniel. Everything we had isn't true. I looked at him and smiled.

He smiled and grabbed my hand. I looked in front where my sister finished her vows.

When the wedding came to an end we greeted them outside of the church. Me and Daniel walked to the car and sat down and waited as everyone started leaving.

"I don't know about you but, I need a cup of coffee." He said.

"Same." I said smiling at him. We drove to the same coffee shop as last night. We waited in line for a while.

"You've been quiet, what's on your mind?" He asked.

"A lot....." I said looking at him.

"About?" He asked getting closer to me.

"Everything, about my sister is now happily married, my ex is here, I'm happy, for everyone, I am." I said. "Then I was thinking about myself, and when we return, to go back we won't see each other." I said. He stood quiet looking at me.

"We should talk about it later, we should um.... enjoy each other's company while it lasts." He said. Daniel grabbed the order of our coffee and we walked back to the car. We sat inside and waited for the heater to warm up the car. Daniel drove to the venue, we walked inside and sat at our table by a window. I looked out and saw the ocean as it crashed against the shore a few feet away. Daniel sat across from me.

"Are you going to be coming down for the holidays?" He asked me.

"I might depending on my family, if not I'll be sending presents to them and staying home." I said. "How about you?"

"The firm is hosting a little Christmas Eve party.... if you don't have anything to do, you should stop by." He said.

"Maybe, I will." I said staring at him. "Thank you for being my date to this wedding." I said.

"Thank you for being my girlfriend for these past weeks." He said reaching for my hand across the table. I smiled at him.

"Come on let's go say congratulations before everyone starts to make a line." I said.

We both got up and walked towards my sister.

"Congratulations sis! I'm so happy for you." I said.l giving her a hug.

"Well lets hope Daniel over here gets a few hints." Essence said.

"Trust me sis we aren't even talking about marriage we are taking our time, figuring it out, ." I said laughing and leaning towards Daniel.

"Who knows maybe she is the one Daniel, I knew with Essence when we went out on our first date." Mark said.

"I don't know she could be something else at times." Daniel said.

"She always has been, but take care of her over in Vancouver." Essence said to Daniel.

"I will." He said hugging Essence. We walked back to our table and talked, it started getting crowded.

When my sister was finished with her dance, Daniel grabbed my hand and walked me towards the dance floor. He place his arm on my waist.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're being to quiet, and minus well get something out of it." He said.

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