Chapter 28 - Trapped in the Aether

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We looked around, all thoughts of the Demon's words forgotten as we faced the denizens of that strange, horrible place. Released from Andras' spell, they started toward us, shuffling and moaning as they went.

"What now?" asked Kate.

"The laboratory," said Maxwell. "If we can get back to it, I believe I can create another portal."

"You have another one of those machines?" I asked.

"No," he said. "But I should be able to cobble together something from the prototypes there to create a working portal. I think."

"You think?"

"Yes. Well it won't be stable or particularly long-lived, but it should be enough to get us home."

"Then let's go," I said. "Where is it? How did you get the other device out here?"

"Andras brought it here, somehow," said Maxwell.

Kate ran over to N'yotsu, who was standing motionless and pale, seemingly oblivious to everything going on around him. "Can you get us back there?" she asked him. He did not respond so she pulled on his arm and then hit him in the chest.

"Ow," said N'yotsu, putting his hand to his chest and shooting her a hurt expression.

"There'll be time for moping later," said Kate. "We need to get back to the laboratory, which I guess means going through these things." She gestured at the creatures, which were creeping ever closer. "Any ideas?"

For a moment I feared he would let us down and leave us to our doom in the light of Andras' revelations. But then he nodded. "Follow me. Keep close."

We darted after him as he advanced on the creatures. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked. "Do you know what you are doing?"

"The answer to your second question is 'probably not'," said N'yotsu. "In answer to your first, let us see. If Andras is right, then my powers must count for something in this place. Andras was able to quell their attacking instincts with the force of its mind; let us see if I can do likewise. Besides, if you have a better idea, then please do share it."

We followed him, into the waiting arms of the creatures. As we drew nearer, features which had seemed amorphous and vague through the ever-present mist congealed into something much more defined and stomach-churning. The nearest ones seemed to be human at first glance but were in fact too skeletal to be capable of surviving in the real world. They lurched on legs which were little more than sticks; all fat, sinew and muscle having long ago wasted away as a result of the rigours of that void.

A head bobbed near me, an oversized thing which was bloated like a balloon, toothless and sallow. The creature's eyes were big black orbs which rolled sickeningly and sightlessly. I found myself drawn to those eyes and as I stared I found myself being pulled into the depths. There was hunger in there, a deep insatiable desire and need which threatened to consume me. I saw the pain in those eyes, an agony which precluded any form of thought other than the basest reactions.

A hand grabbed my arm, a claw-like thing which seemed to be comprised more of twigs than flesh and blood. The touch was cold and barely substantial; with just one shrug of my arm it was gone. They all pressed around us, their bodies like paper as they brushed past. Whilst this meant that our progress was much easier than I had feared, the effect of carving through these insubstantial creatures was rather sickening, like walking through endless spider webs. All the way through this they were silent, the only sound the shuffling of their feet on the ground.

Just as I was beginning to think that the procession of bodies would go on forever, we emerged into clear void. We burst into a run, leaving the creatures in our wake. The mist wrapped round us, a curtain which clung to us, parting reluctantly before us.

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