Chapter 38 - Arming for the Fight

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I was roused from a fitful slumber by Maxwell's hand on my shoulder. I blinked and rubbed my eyes; the dank grey light of dawn was starting to creep across the room, making the room and its inhabitants appear stark and forbidding. "We've finished the machine," he said. "N'yotsu wants us all to know how to work it, just in case."

We gathered in the sitting room, Kate and I watching as Maxwell and N'yotsu prepared their work of art. In fairness it was considerably more elegant and stylish than Maxwell's usual efforts, being a simplistic yet deadly-looking device. It resembled a Musket in form, with a wide barrel entwined in tubing and leading back to a flared stock and trigger mechanism. I frowned as I took in the compact nature of the device.

"What?" said Maxwell.

"It looks very...elegant."

"Thank you. So why are you frowning?"

"I am just waiting for you to pull out the ugly, cumbersome part; just like you did with the latest Aetheric Sensor. A power pack or whatever it might be."

"There is no need," said N'yotsu. "This is powered by means other than steam." He held up the weapon and showed us a series of marks and patterns engraved into the stock which glowed red as they caught the light. "These are incantations which provide the true workings; the rest of the device is merely there to direct the fatal power."

"So how does it work?" asked Kate.

"You attach this," N'yotsu held up a disc which was chained to the stock. "To here." He clicked it into a small groove and immediately the weapon started to hum. "That completes the incantation. Then all you do is point it and pull the trigger. Simplicity itself."

"And that will kill Andras?" I asked as he removed the disc and the weapon died down once more.

"It will utterly destroy anything it is directed at. But unfortunately there is only one opportunity to use it; once it has been fired the power will be spent."

"So aim well," said Kate.

"Indeed," said Maxwell. "And here is the most important element." He lifted a large, grey bag.

I groaned. "I knew it was too good to be true. So tell me; what monstrosity have you decided to clip to this wonderfully attractive device?"

Maxwell grinned. "This is a waterproof bag for us to transport it in. After our last trip over water, I did not want to run the risk of soaking it before we had a chance to use it."

I looked round at my over-eager friends. "Am I the only one here who is uncomfortable at the thought of sending N'yotsu off to his certain death?"

"Actually," said Maxwell. "There has been a slight change of plan."

"What do you mean?" asked Kate.

"I have an idea," said N'yotsu. "A way which may mean that we do not have to use this device."

"Go on."

"I was created by Andras splitting me from its body, so that it could rid itself of encumbrances such as emotions, guilt and a conscience. The process is reversible."

"So you're planning to reunite yourself with Andras and hope that you can make the Demon feel bad about what it is doing?" I said slowly. "Sounds a bit risky."

"Sounds crazy," said Kate. "What's to stop you just being evil like Andras is now?"

"In theory, nothing," said N'yotsu. "But the splitting up of bodies and personalities is usually only a short term thing. There have been tales among my people of elements of a Demon being split away, taking on a life of their own and then that alternate element being much more dominant when reunited. At least I think so, anyway; my memories are still a bit...patchy."

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