Day 0

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The day before the first day of the rest of your life. It's meant to be one of the best, you're eighteen, yet nothing ever seems to be working out, or going your way.

Everyone still treats you like a child, it's pointless to even argue with them because they all think it's true. But it's not.

I have to put up with this, there is no way of escaping it.

It hadn't even been forty minutes since my last confrontation with the she-bitch. Otherwise known as my aunt from the gates of Hell...  Or as they are more commonly known, in human form, Sunderland.

She was a cruel, cold-hearted woman who was full of jealousy and hatred for those who got in her way.

Her love was only given to her cat, Lucifer who was just as bad as she was. As I had always said, an evil creature for the evil owner, they complimented each other so very nicely.

"Hadley, get up and out of your bedroom." She screeched from the kitchen.  She had clearly failed to notice that I was already out of my bedroom, and had eaten a bowl of cereal.

So much for paying attention to the only other human in the house. I mean, even a bloody bird would pay more attention to me than that ratchet old woman would.

The woman made me feel like a modern day Cinderella. So I felt it was only right to do the same, she is be the evil step-mother and her bunions will be the ugly sisters. Both disgusting on the interior and exterior.

"I'm up, and have been for at least an hour and a half." My own voice was hoarse and quiet. I wasn't in the mood for another argument and it certainly wasn't on my to-do-list today. Although, I felt as though I was holding back all of the anger I had ever felt towards her, and will have to continue to do so. At least, until I arrive at work, that is.

I could see her roll her eyes; she bit her tongue, just like I had been doing. It felt as though I physically repulsed her, we never communicate unless we're at deaths door or we're arguing, and there has yet to be a loving, family-type moment we have shared.

If I could, I'd gladly rewind time to the beginning. When life was simple and when I wasn't alone. Back to the time both of my parents were still breathing.

"Stop your day dreaming and get to work. You don't want to be fired from this job, do you?" She called out, her tongue was like fire, filled with rage. I didn't answer, I couldn't. She was an evil woman, who would manipulate the situation if things turned sour.

Without any hesitation, I withdrew myself from the kitchen and sulked off towards the door, not forgetting to grab a coat and my car keys along the way.

I suppose I should get to work, this one is actually nice, for a change.

"Bye." With that, the door slammed, sending nothing but a loud bang to cover any sounds she may make.

The drive to work was short and quick, silent too. I didn't feel like having another conversation with the radio again.

I found my escape in social media, obviously I went under an alias as Cinderella, I'd be livid if my aunt found what I had been posting.

Here's to the next 31 days with me, on Instagram, with every little flaw pointed out.

JanuaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang