Day 25

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stjermaine, ezra_9021 and 6

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stjermaine, ezra_9021 and 6.3 million others liked this

cinderella_wallace: happy joint birthday to my other main hoe ezra_9021 19 today, we're getting too old now, maybe it's time to retire?

ezra_9021: bitch I retired four years ago, as soon as I hit fifteen years young!

cinderella_wallace: is that why you're my boss? because that's not how retirement works, mijo!

ezra_9021: I'm not your son!!! for breaths sake, you're like ten minutes younger than me! That's impossible!

cinderella_wallace: bipity, bopity bitch anything is possible

ezra_9021: well Jesus spelt backwards is sausage so shut yo bitch ass mouth up

cinderella_wallace: the test shows that you're clapped!

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