Day 9

20 4 0

cinderella_wallace logged into instagram.

Thirteen thousand unread notifications.

One new message.

jace_hunter_: listen, you might think I'm crazy or that I'm just trying to get you to trust me, but... just look after yourself?

cinderella_wallace: look after yourself, too mr Flynn Rider.

jace_hunter_: Flynn Rider? you're mad, it's jace...

cinderella_wallace: im cinderella, you're mad! (nice to meet you jace, I'm Hadley)

jace_hunter_: how would you like to go on a virtual date? just asking for a friend...

cinderella_wallace: id love to, jace, tell your friend I said yes and that to call me (123-456-7890)

jace_hunter_: I'll pass on that number... thanks cinders

cinderella_wallace is typing

No problem Mr Flynn

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