Chapter 2

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Percy POV

At Camp Half-Blood

When I walked into Camp Half-Blood I saw everyone in a big group cheering about something so I decided to go check it out.

I pushed through to the front of the crowd and saw my brother, Drake, kissing a blonde haired girl. I thought it was just a child of Aphrodite until she said "I love u Drake" and I recognized it as Annabeth's voice so I shouted "Really Annabeth I thought we had something!!" 

"Well we don't anymore i love Drake now" she said

"Ya so go away no one needs a ugly hero like you!" Drake said smirking standing next to Annabeth now.

"Oh really well.." I started to say "you will be the only ugly one here when i'm done with you!"( A/N Roasted!!!! okay now you can carry on) and i pounced on him scratching him everywhere.Then the gods flashed in.

"What is going on!" Zeus thundered then he looked at me attacking Drake and shouted "Ares, Hephaestus, and Poseidon get that boy off him"

They tried pulling me off him but they couldn't so they keep trying until they finally got me off but I kept struggling so it was hard for them to hold me back.

"What is wrong with you" said my dad

"He kissed Annabeth" I said in a surprisingly deep voice

"His voice" whispered Athena "Take off his blue hood and the sunglasses" she demanded

"NO" I shouted struggling even more

"Why should we" said Ares 

"Just do it" said Athena so Hephaestus took off my hood and sunglasses making everyone gasp so I put my head down.

"How" said Artemis shocked "That is impossible"

"Well its not." I growled at her

"Don't growl at me" she said 

"Look at how ugly he is" Drake whispered to a camper and hearing that set off my temper so i broke out Ares,Hephaestus, and my dad's grasp and grabbed Drake by the neck whispering deadly to him "wanna say that again"

" Percy let go of him!" shouted Athena 

"No" I said

"Fine" she said then I felt a pain in my neck so i let go of Drake then I fell onto the ground and the last thing I saw before i went unconsciousness was Athena and she whispered to me "Good Night" then i felt my self being pick up and i fell asleep.

A/N I am so sorry for not uploading sooner so i made this longer then the other one. I hope you like the chapter and put some suggestions for what you want to happen in the comments section.

By my little waves

Aqua OUT


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