Chapter 4

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Third P.O.V

After a while Percy got exhausted and passed out from playing to much.

" Should we go put him in his pen?" asked Hermes while picking Percy up bridal style.

"No" Athena said "Well just not yet"

"Why?" asked Poseidon, he had returned with Apollo a while ago.

" Because I think that I can cure Percy. Follow me" responded Athena flashing away.

The gods flashed with Athena into a small lab (but it could still fit all of them) that had all sorts of lab equipment in it and a table with straps in the middle of the room."Wow..this is one cliche lab room" laughed Apollo looking at the white....well...everything. Artemis smacked him on the back of the head. " Hermes put Percy here" said Athena ignoring Apollos comment and pointing to the table with the straps. Once Hermes had set Percy down and strapped him in Athena grabbed a syringe with red liquid in it and injected it in Percy's neck."Will he be okay?" asked Poseidon in a worried tone."He'll be fine Poseidon we just have to wait" They sat there in silence for a few minutes when Percy began to stir.

Percy P.O.V

I sat up...well.. more like tried. That's when I noticed that my hands and legs were tied down and that I wasn't in Olympus." Where am I?" I thought aloud " You are in my lab Percy" I looked to my right and saw Athena "Okay" I said that's when I looked around the room and saw how small it was. I started to hyperventilate " Let me out" I whispered "what?" asked Athena " I said LET ME OUT" I yelled "W-we can't yet Percy" stuttered my dad " you h-have to let the serum finish setting into y-y-you" what serum? I thought but I pushed that thought back as I started breathing faster " Let him out can't you see he is hyperventilating!" yelled Hera. Athena quickly unstrapped me and I jumped of the table and ran out the room to and little place in the throne room that looks like a pen but I didn't care I just ran to the corner of the room and curled up into a ball.

A while later I heard someone shouting " PERCY! PERCY! WHERE ARE YOU!" Then Hermes came running into the room "PERCY! There you are you had us worried sick " he said advancing towards when he was about to touch me I turned him around putting him in a headlock with my claws at his neck. (A/N I don't remember if he had claws or not so lets say that he does) "Don't ever touch me." I growled at him. The gods took that moment to come running in" Did you find Per-" started Apollo but he stop looking at the scene in front of him "wha-" he was cut off when Poseidon screamed " PERCY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" "He tried to touch me" Percy stated

" Let go of him Percy" said Athena 

"No." I replied 

"Percy, please" asked Poseidon

I just looked at him then Hermes and said " Make me" then all of a sudden I passed out.

Sorry for not uploading lately I just didn't know how to finish this chapter. Also you should go read this story by @HydraMinos its a great book they even made 3 BOOKS.

Aqua OUT

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