Jack Slater

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Interview participant: Jack Slater [Friend of Miss Turner]

Interviewed at: 14 Nelson Walk, London. [Residence of interviewee] 4th June 2015

That's right, I was the one who reported her missing. It wasn't like her to leave without telling me. Yes I'm sure. Sorry, I just want to know where she is. From the beginning? We'd be here all night. Okay well, I guess I should start with how we met.

I'd just moved to town and was starting a new high school. I had everything going against me. I was starting in the middle of the term and thanks to my mother's scatter brain, my uniform hadn't been ordered so I stood out like a sore thumb. You could say that I didn't get the best treatment from my fellow students. I'd grabbed the attention of a number of older boys who thought it was funny to harass the new kid, I can honestly say that that first day was the worst of my life. That was before I met Bell. I'd just brought my lunch and was making my way to a table at the back of the canteen.

"Watch it, freak." One lad snapped as he bumped into me. Knocking my lunch to the floor. The room erupted with laughter and I bent down to salvage what I could of my food.

"Need a hand?" asked a voice above me. The room went quiet with a few whispers. I lifted my head and saw a small red head with a bright smile. She helped me pick up my lunch while the rest of the school watched in awe. After we stood up she held out her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Belinda, It's nice to meet you"

"Jack." I introduced, confused by the rest of the schools reaction to this girl. I took her hand and shook it.

"Sit with me?" she asked and pulled me over to a full table at the centre of the room. I laughed when a couple of people stood from the table to make room for the two of us. She obviously had this school wrapped around her finger.

Having the approval of Belinda Turner made me practically royalty. Everyone talked to me so they could talk to her and although I found it tedious dealing with two faced bitches, I learned a lot. I was the only one who had the privilege of seeing Belinda up close and personal. While everyone else saw the picture of perfection walking past them, I had a better view from her side. Sure she walked with purpose and confidence, but she also had a secret talent. She liked to watch people and could figure them out in seconds. She was a master manipulator and she hid is behind her innocent smile.

When we first met I assumed Bell was one of those stereotypical queen bees, but it soon became clear that people loved her for a whole different reason. Bell was gorgeous, she would turn every head we passed. She also had the biggest heart I've ever known, if she saw someone in need she'd be there to help, it was her life's goal to save the world. We'd often get interrupted by students asking for Bell's opinion or advice on something.

Don't look so surprised. I know it's hard to imagine, a girl everyone loves, but that's Belinda. She just had this thing about her, she got everyone's respect by just being kind and listening to their problems. It came in handy most of the time although I could tell she sometimes hated the attention. It was the guys that refused to leave her alone that irritated her the most, although she'd never admit to it. The worst one was Freddie, he was this guy in the year above us who constantly followed her around. I mean he was a borderline stalker, he'd pop up out of nowhere. We went to the cinema one time and Freddie ended up sitting behind us. I swear he was smelling Bell's hair the entire time. He was such a freak, I told Bell to get a restraining order out against him but she thought he was harmless. I guess she saw a helpless boy looking for a friend, while I saw a creepy guy who didn't understand the meaning of boundaries. Apparently he'd been the same since primary school. He'd follow her around the playground and watch her walk home from school, but he never actually spoke to her until high school. Although I think I'd prefer that. He'd come up to us every day without fail and ask Bell on a date. She'd just make up some excuse, it became this sort of ritual between them.

"Why don't you just tell him to get lost? He's such a stalker." I told her one day,

"He isn't causing any real harm. Why would I be intentionally mean to him?"

"I'll remind you of this when he kidnaps you and keeps you tied up in his basement."

"Don't be silly Jack, he just fancy's me."

"All the more reason to tell him straight. Let him know you and him will never happen. You don't have a problem telling Sam you're not interested."

"That's cause Sam's a jerk and loves himself."

"And Freddie's a stalker."

"Listen I've known Freddie since we were little. He has problems at home and isn't really the brightest bulb in the room. Having the hope that one day I'll go on a date with him, keeps him coming to school and makes him happy, I'm not going to take that away from him."

"He'll get over it."

"In time he'll probably move on, he'll find another girl to turn his attention to. I just have to keep putting him off and making excuses. He'll get the hint eventually."

He never got the hint. I can't tell you how happy I was when Freddie went off to university. Deep down I know Bell was relieved as well, no matter how harmless Freddie was, he was still creepy. 

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