Jack Slater part 2

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Interview participant: Jack Slater (Friend of Miss Turner)

Interviewed at: 14 Nelson Walk, London. [Residence of interviewee] 4th June 2015. cont.

Do you want another cup of tea? You sure? What about a glass of water? No, okay then. Bell was a full on tea addict. I was never too keen on the drink, makes my mouth dry. So what else do you want to know? Yeah she was a really big people person, loved being in a crowd and never had trouble making friends. Oh yeah she was good at handling guys as well, she let them pursue her but in the end they never got anywhere. She could shut them down as quickly as they started. I've only seen her out matched once and well that was once too many for my liking. We'd just turned eighteen and wanted to make our first legal night out special. We went to a new club that had just opened up in town. The night started off great, we had so much fun dancing and made a few new friends, which is unavoidable when you're with Bell. It all turned sour when I went to the toilet, I came back to find that she'd disappeared. Panic sunk in when I rang her phone and it went to voicemail. Some of the people we were dancing with said she'd gone off with this guy, that didn't sound like her. I left the club and continued ringing her, I was about to ring the police when she finally rang me back.

"Oh my god Bell, where are you?"

"I'm so sorry Jack, I'm at this party down the street. I was just helping out this guy and well... I don't really know what happened. I just managed to get away, can you come get me please?" she rambled out, her voice a little shaky.

"What's the address?" I asked jumping in a taxi.

"Dalton Lane, I'll be by the shop on the corner."

I relayed the address to the driver and was at the destination within minutes. Bell had tears in her eyes and jumped into the taxi so quickly I knew something bad had happened. She never told me the full story about that night but something changed in her after that.

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