The Date.

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Sans was standing there waiting for her to come...

-"Maybe she won't come... maybe im too late..? Maybe she doesn't like me that way I like her...? *sigh* I dunno..."

"K-king Sans...?"

Sans was shocked when he heard thar familiar voice bicouse he was thinking she wouldn't come.
But she came.

-"Oh I...I didn't know you'll come...
I thought you'd wouldn't come..."

"Thee-hee! Of course I would come silly! Why wouldn't I come anyway? " Toriel giggled.

-"Oh...hehe.. Y-yeah..." Sans smiled.

"Umm... King Sans-?"

-" can call me just Sans..." Sans smiled.

"He...he..yeah...uh-Sans? Um.. I gotta tell you something..."

-"To be honest... I gotta tell you something too..." Sans replied.

"Oh first then...!" Toriel shouted because she was too shy.

Sans blushed and got a lil' shy but went over it.

-"Alright.... T-toriel...?..... I...I love you.... I want to with you and your so sweet and kind and-"

"I-I LOVE YOU TOO!!" Toriel yelled as her sheecks wen deep pink.

Sans cheecks was deep blue and he took her hand as they where going to Toriel home.

-"I...I really like you...I liked your visits and our book reading together and I love your butterscotchcinamon pie" He smiled as he looked at her.

She blushed a lil' and smiled.

" too I liked to visit you too... your nice and sweet."

When they where almost at Waterfalls end Toriep kissed Sans's cheeck and ran home.

"Bye Sans!! See you tomorrow!"

-"Y-yea... see you tomorrow..."
Sans blushed hard and those inlove eyes watched her leaving missed her.

                                    -The End.♡

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