Wine and Roses with a Side of Revenge

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Drarry, Smut, 4,461 words
By: kitty_fix

"You mean you've never?" Seamus crowed. "As in ever?"

"Shhh! Shut up, will you?" Harry's eyes roved over the crowd in The Leaky to see if anyone outside of their table had heard them.

"What are we talking about?" Ron asked as he returned from the bar with their drinks.

"Did you know that our boy Harry is a virgin?" Seamus asked.

Harry ducked his head, flushing in embarrassment. "I was a bit busy you know? Trying not to get killed by a mass murdering psychopath. It didn't exactly fit into my schedule."

"I'm just glad you never did it with my sister," Ron shuddered. "At least you figured out your preferences ran differently before it came to that."

"But, Harry. I mean, you're The Boy Who Lived! You could pull anyone you wanted. There's no excuse, especially this long after the war."

Harry reached out and shoved Seamus, nearly toppling him out of his chair. "It's not funny you prat. I'll get around to it. Maybe I'm just waiting for the right person."

"What are you? A bloody girl?" Seamus cracked up. "Besides I think we all know who you're really waiting for." He winked at Harry.

"Who?" Ron asked, earning an eye roll from both of them. 

"Even you can't be that oblivious, Ron," Seamus insisted . "There's only one person Harry wants to let in his pants."

Harry shot a quick glace over at the bar.

"I told you to shut it," Harry hissed. 

"I can say one thing for him. He may be a Slytherin git, but he's got a fine arse." Seamus' followed the path of Harry's gaze.

"Hell, yeah he does. More than fine. It's bloody perfect," Harry mused, turning his attention back to Seamus.

A familiar voice sounded from directly over Harry's shoulder. "Talking about me again, Potter?"

Harry felt all the color drain from his face. That could not be who he knew it was. So much for his luck turning around since the defeat of Voldemort. Instead, life was just finding new and interesting ways to torture him. 

Seamus cracked up, laughing so hard he was in danger of falling out of his seat for the second time that night.

Finally gaining the courage to look up, Harry was greeted by a smirk. Luckily, he was saved from responding.

"Get lost, Malfoy. This doesn't concern you," Ron answered in his place.

"Oh, but I think it does." Malfoy focused his attention on Harry with one eyebrow raised. "Did I overhear correctly, Potter? Is it true that the Golden Boy of the Wizarding World is a virgin?" Malfoy mock whispered.

Harry covered his face and lowered his forehead to the table with a thud. He could hear laughter all around him. Seamus was the loudest of course. Malfoy was quieter, though obviously just as amused and even Ron joined in that time.

That Malfoy would just go away and leave Harry to his misery was too much to hope for. "C'mon, Potter. Don't be shy. Surely, you have a long line of adoring fans just waiting to get you into bed. It shouldn't be too hard to pick one witch from amongst the hoard."

Harry looked up at Malfoy. "Well, girls aren't really my type. So, it's harder than you'd think," he said, shooting his own smirk at him.

The look of shock on Malfoy's face was worth it, though to his credit, he quickly recovered.

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